All That Jazz
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All That Jazz: Accordi
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LA LA Come on babe, why don't we paint the town? FA#dim And all that jazz LA I'm gonna rouge my knees and roll my stockings down And all that jazz MI7 Start the car, I know a whoopee spot FA7 Where the gin is cold but the piano's hot LA It's just a noisy hall, LA/SOL FA#7 where there's a nightly brawl FA7 MI7 LA MI7 FA7 LA And all that jazz... LA Slick your hair and wear your buckle shoes FA#dim And all that jazz LA I hear that Father Dip is gonna blow the blues And all that jazz MI7 Hold on hon, we're gonna bunny-hug FA7 I bought some aspirin down at United Drug LA LA/SOL# LA/SOL# FA#7 In case you shake apart and want a brand new start FA7 MI7 LA To do that jazz Skidoo! FA#dim And All That Jazz LA Hotcha! Whoopee! MI7 FA7 And All That Jazz... LA LA/SOL# It's just a noisy hall LA/SOL FA#7 Where there's a nightly brawl FA7 MI7 And all thatSIb Jazz... Find a flask We're playing fast and loose And All That Jazz! Right up here Is where I store the juice And All That Jazz! FA7 Come on babe We're gonna brush the sky SOLb7 I bet you lucky Lindy Never flew so high SIb SIb/LA 'Cause in the stratosphere SIb/LAb SOL7 How could he lend an ear FA7 SIb FA#7 To All That JazzSI Oh, you're gonna see her sheba shimmy shake FA#7/5+ SI And All That Jazz! Oh, she's gonna shimmy till her garters break And All That Jazz FA#7 Show her where to park her girdle SOL7 Oh, her mother's blood is curdle SI If she'd hear SI7+ Her baby's queer SOL7 FA#7 SI SOL7 For All That Jazz!DO Come on, Babe Oh, Why don't we paint the town? And All That Jazz (And All That Jazz!) I'm gonna Oh, rouge my knees And roll my start gets down And All That Jazz (And All That Jazz) SOL7 Start the car I know a whoopee spot Park her girdle LAb7 Where the gin is cold Oh, her mother's blood'd But the piano's hot Curdle DO DO/SI It's just a noisy hall DO/SIb LA7 Where there's a nightly brawl LAb7 SOL7 And All That...FA7 SIb SIb/LA No, I'm no one's wife SIb/LAb SOL7 But, oh, I love my life DO7 FA7 SIb SIb/LA SIb/LAb SOLm SOLb FA7 And All... That... Jazz! SIb That Jazz!
Autori: John Kander, Fred EbbCopyright: © WARNER CHAPPELL MUSIC
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All That Jazz: Video
All That Jazz è un brano tratto dal musical Chicago the Musical, scritto da John Kander e Fred Ebb nel 1975. Inizialmente non riscosse il successo sperato ma, grazie alla riedizione degli anni Novanta, diviene un classico del musical di Broadway; protagonista della vicenda è la città di Chicago degli anni Venti, tra povertà e criminalità. La canzone è il brano d'apertura del primo atto e vede cantare Velma Kelly, Star del vaudeville che ha ucciso marito e sorella colti in fragrante!
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