Everything’s Alright
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Everything’s Alright: Accordi
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MI LA MI LA MI LA MI LA MI LA SI SOL#/DO Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to DO#m SI LA Problems that upset you, oh LA/SI Don't you know MI LA MI Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine LA MI LA MI LA And we want you to sleep well tonight MI LA MI LA Let the world turn without you tonight MI LA If we try, we'll get by, MI LA so forget all about us tonight MI LA LA/SI Everything's alright, yes MI LA LA/SI Everything's alright, yes MI Sleep and I shall soothe you SI SOL#/DO Calm you, and anoint you DO#m7 SI LA Myrrh for your hot forehead, oh Then you'll feel MI LA LA/SI MI LA Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine MI LA SI MI LA And it's cool and the ointment's sweet MI LA MI LA For the fire in your head and feet MI LA Close your eyes, close your eyes MI LA And relax, think of nothing tonight MI LA LA/SI Everything's alright, yes MI LA LA/SI Everything's alright, yesMIm RE DO Woman, your fine ointment, brand new and expensive MIm DO MIm Should have been saved for the poor RE DO Why has it been wasted? We could have raised maybe MIm DO MIm Three hundred silver pieces or more LAm RE SOL DO People who are hungry, people who are starving SI MIm/SI LA/SI SI7 Matter more than your feet and hair!MI SI Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to DO#m7 SI LA Problems that upset you, oh Don't you know MI LA LA/SI MI LA Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine MI LA LA/SI MI LA And we want you to sleep well to----night MI LA MI LA Let the world turn without you tonight MI LA If we try, we'll get by, MI LA so forget all about us tonight MI LA LA/SI Everything's alright, yes MI LA LA/SI Everything's alright, yesMIm RE DO Surely you're not saying we have the resources MIm DO MIm SI7 To save the poor from their lot? MIm RE DO There will be poor always, pathetically struggling MIm DO MIm Look at the good things you've got LAm RE Think while you still have me! SOL DO Move while you still see me! SI MIm/SI LA/SI You'll be lost, and you'll be sorry when I'm goneMI Sleep and I shall soothe you SI SOL#7/DO Calm you, and anoint you DO#m SI LA Myrrh for your hot forehead, oh Then you'll feel MI LA MI LA Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine MI LA7 MI LA7 And it's cool and the ointment's sweet MI LA7 MI LA7 For the fire in your head and feet MI LA7 Close your eyes, close your eyes MI LA7 And relax, think of nothing tonight MI LA7 MI LA7 Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax (everything's alright, yes) MI LA7 MI LA7 Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax (everything's alright, yes) MI LA7 MI LA7 Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax (everything's alright, yes) MI LA7 MI LA7 Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax (everything's alright, yes) MI LA7 MI LA7 Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax (everything's alright, yes) MI LA7 MI LA7 Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax (everything's alright, yes) MI LA7 MI LA7 Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax (everything's alright, yes) MI LA7 MI LA7 Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax (everything's alright, yes)... MI LA7 Everything's alright, yes MI LA7 Everything's alright, yes MI LA7 Everything's alright, yes MI LA7 Everything's alright, yes MI LA7 Everything's alright, yes MI LA7 Everything's alright, yes MI LA7 Everything's alright, yes MI LA7 Everything's alright, yes MI LA7 Everything's alright, yes...
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Everything’s Alright: Video
Everything's Alright è un brano tratto dal celebre musical Jesus Christ Superstar, capolavoro di Tim Rice e Andrew Lloyd Webber. Scritto nel 1970 e messo in scena dal 1971, racconta l'ultima settimana della vita di Gesù in una maniera straordinariamente innovativa sia per le musiche che per le scenografie e (non di meno) per i concetti esposti. La canzone è il quarto brano del primo atto e vede Maria Maddelena intenta a calmare Gesù con un unguento molto costoso... innescando un battibecco tra Giuda e il Maestro.
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