A Lovely Night
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A Lovely Night: Accordi
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SIb7+ LA7+ LAb7+ FAm7 SIb13 MIb5+ FAdim The sun is nearly gone, the lights are turning on SOL7 DOm7 SIb MIb7+ A silver shine that stretches to the sea MIb5+ FAdim We stumbled on a view that's tailored made for two SOL7 DOm7 SIb MIb7+ What a shame those two are you and me FAm7 SIb7 Some other girl and guy MIb7+ DO7 Would love this swirling sky FAm7 SIb7 But theres only you and I MIb7+ SOL7/4 SOL7 And we've got no shot LAb7+ SIb9 SIb7 This could never be SOLm7 DO7 You're not the type for me (Really?) FAm7 SIb7 And not a spark in sight MIb7+ FAm7 SIb7 MIb LAm7 RE7 What a, waste of a lovely nightSOL5+ You say there's nothing here, LAdim well let's make something clear, MIm7/9 RE SOL7+ I think I'll be the one to make that call (But, you'll call?) SOL5+ And though you looked so cute LAdim in your polyester suit (It's wool) MIm7/9 RE SOL7+ You're right, I'd never fall for you at all LAm7 RE7 And maybe this ap peals SOL7+ MIm7 To someone not in heels LAm7 RE7 Or to any girl who feels SOL7+ SI7 There's some chance for ro mance DO7+ RE7 DO7+ But I'm frankly feeling nothing (Is that so?) RE7 Or it could be less than nothing DO7+ RE7 (Good to know! So you a gree?) SOL7+ RE7 That's right, what a waste of a lovely night SOL5+ LAdim MIm7/9 SOL7+ SOL5+ LAdim MIm7/9 SOL7+ LAm7 RE7 SOL7+ MI7 LAm7 RE7 SOL7+ SI7 LAm7 RE7 SOL7+ MI7 LAm7 RE7 SOL7+ SI7 DO7+ RE7 DO7+ RE7 DO7+ RE7 DO/MI RE7/FA# SOL6 RE7LA5+ SIdim FA#m LA7+ LA5+ SIdim FA#m LA7+ SIm7 MI7 LA7+ DO#7 SIm7 MI7 LA7+ DO#7 SIm7 MI7 LA7+ FA#7 SIm7 MI7 LA7+ DO#7 RE7+ MI7 RE7+ MI7 RE7+ MI7 RE7+ MI7 RE7+ MI9 LA5+ SIdim FA#m7+ MI7/6 LA
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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A Lovely Night: Video
A Lovely Night è un brano che fa parte della colonna sonora del film musicale La La Land, scritto e diretto da Damien Chazelle nel 2016. Racconta la storia d'amore tra un abile pianista jazz ed una giovane attrice in cerca di fortuna nella città dove ogni sogno può diventare realtà: la bella e vivace Los Angeles. La canzone descrive il primo periodo della loro storia d'amore, quando ancora l'entusiasmo e la passione nascondono i problemi della quotidianità e della convivenza.
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