Joyful, Joyful
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Joyful, Joyful: Accordi
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO/SOL SOL7/4 DO DOadd9 SIb/DO DO9 Joyful, Joy----ful FA7+/9 SIb13 LAb6 Lord, we adore Thee DO/SOL RE7/FA# God of glory SOL13 SOL11 SOL7 Lord of love SIb/DO DO SIb/DO DO9 Hearts unfold FA7+/9 SIb13 LAb6 like flowers before Thee DO/SOL RE7/FA# SOL11 FA/DO DO DO#7 RE7 Hail Thee as the sun a-----bove SOL SOL/FA DO/MI SOL SOL/FA DO/MI Melt the clouds of sin and sadness SIm7/5- MI13 SIb7 LAm7 RE/FA# SOL4 SOL Drive the dark of doubt away LAm7 RE7/4+ SOLm7 DO13 FA7+/9 SIb13 SIb9 Giver of immortal glad--ness DO/SOL FA#7/4+ FAm7/9 MIm7/5- Fill us with the light LA11 DO#m7/5- Fill us with the light REm7/9 FA#m7/5- SOL11 LAb/SIb Oh, fill us with the light of day...MIb SIbm7 MIb9 Joyful, Joy--ful LAb7+ REb9 Lord, we adore Thee MIb/SIb SIb/LAb MIb/SOL God of glo-----ry FA9 LAb/SIb SIb7 SIbm7/4 Lord of love REb/MIb MIb LAb7+/9 REb9 REb/SI Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee SIbm7 LA7/4+ LAb7 DO7/9+ REb LAb/RE MIb MI7 FA7 SIb7 Hail Thee as the sun a------bove SIb/LAb MIb FA9 SIb SIb/LAb MIb/SOL Melt the clouds of sin, sin and sadness REm7/5- SOL7/4 SOL7/SI DOm FA/LA SIb11 Drive the dark of doubt a-----way SI7/9+ SIbm7 Drive it a--way REb/MIb MIb9 LAb7+ REb9 Giver of immor---tal gladness SOLm7/5- DO9 Fill us FAm7 MIb/SOL LAb LAm7/5- LAb/SIb MIb Fill us with the light of day REb LAb/DO MIb Light of day! Joyful, Joyful Lord we adore Thee An' in my life I put none before Thee 'Cause since I was a youngster I came to know That you was the only way to go So I had to grow an' come to an understandin' That I'm down with the King so now I'm demandin' That you tell me who you down with, see 'Cause all I know is that I'm down with G-O-D You down with G-O-D? (Yeah, you know me) You down with G-O-D? (Yeah, you know me) You down with G-O-D? (Yeah, you know me) Who's down with G-O-D? (Everybody) SIb SIb/LAb MIb/SOL FA9 Come and join the chorus SIb SIb/LAb MIb/SOL The mighty, mighty chorus REm7/5- FA/SOL SOL/SI DOm FA/LA SIb SI7 Which the mor----ning stars be----gun SIbm7/9 MIb13 LAb7+/9 MIb/REb REb9 The Father of love is reigning over us Right away What have you done for Him lately? Ooh, ooh, ooh yeah What have you done for Him lately? DOm7 REm MIb FA6 FA9 SIb13 He watches o---ver everything LA/SI So we singMI SIm7 MI9 Joyful, Joy--ful LA7+ RE9 Lord, we adore Thee MI/SI SI/LA MI/SOL# God of glo---ry FA#9 LA/SI SI7 SIm7/4 Lord of love RE/MI MI LA7+/9 MI5+/RE REadd9/DO Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee SIm7 SIb7/4+ LA7 DO#7/9+ RE LA/RE# MI FA7 FA#7 SI7 Hail Thee as the sun a------bove SI/LA MI FA#9 SI SI/LA MI/SOL# Melt the clouds of sin, sin and sadness RE#m7/5- SOL#7/4 SOL#7/DO DO#m FA#/LA# SI11 Drive the dark of doubt a-------way DO6 SIm7 Drive it away RE/MI MI9 LA7+/9 RE9 Giver of im---mor-----tal gladness ( won't you) SIm7/4 MI7 LA7 DO#m7 DO9 Fill us (Fill us with the light oh Lord) SIm7/4 MI7 LA7 DO#m7 DO9 Fill us (oh we need You, yes we do, fill us) SIm7/4 MI7 LA7 DO#m7 DO9 Fill us ( with the light of day, Lord) SIm7/4 MI7 Fill us... SIm7/4 MI7 LA7 DO#m7 DO9 Fill us... SIm7/4 MI7 LA7 DO#m7 DO9 Fill us... SIm7/4 MI7 LA7 DO#m7 DO9 Fill us... SIm7/4 MI7 LA7 DO#m7 DO9 Fill us... SIm7/4 SOL#m7/5- DO#7/9- Fill us... FA#m7 MI/SOL# LA LA#m7/5- LA/MI MI Fill us with the light of day ( oh, yeah) RE LA/DO# MI Light of day!
Autori: Alphonso J Mizell, Berry Jr Gordy, Deke Richards, Dennis Lussier, Freddie Perren, James Samuel III Harris, Terry LewisCopyright: © EMI MUSIC PUBLISHING, KOBALT MUSIC PUBLISHING, UNIVERSAL MUSIC PUBLISHING, WARNER CHAPPELL MUSIC
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Joyful, Joyful: Video
Joyful, Joyful è un brano tratto dalla colonna sonora del film Sister Act 2, con cui continua la vicenda della showgirl Deloris Van Cartier iniziata l'anno prima. Deloris ritorna a vestire i panni di Suor Maria Claretta e questa volta ha il difficile ruolo di insegnante di musica in una scuola di San Francisco in fase di chiusura. La canzone è una bellissima reinterpretazione in chiave moderna del celebre "Inno alla gioia" di Beethoven. Con questo pezzo, la classe di Suor Maria Claretta riesce a vincere un importante concorso canoro!
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