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Sincerity Is Scary: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: SIm7 DO#m7 RE7+ SIm7 DO#m7 RE7+ SIm7 DO#m7 RE7+ RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ FA#m7 SOLadd9 RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ FA#m7 SOLadd9 RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ FA#m7 SOLadd9 RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ And irony's okay, I suppose FA#m7 SOL6/9 Culture is to blame RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ You try and mask your pain FA#m7 SOL6/9 in the most postmodern way RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ You lack substance when you say FA#m7 SOL6/9 Something like, "Oh, what a shame" RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ It's just a self-referential way FA#m7 SOL6/9 That stops you having to be human LA I'm assuming you'll balloon When you remove the dirty spoon And start consuming like a human That's what I am assuming RE7+/9 DO#m7 FA#m7 I'm sure that you're not just another girl RE7+/9 DO#m7 I'm sure that you're gonna say FA#m7 that that was sexist RE7+/9 DO#m7 I feel like you're running out FA#m7 SOL7+/9 Of all the things I liked you for RE7+/9 Why can't we be friends DO#7/9+ LA/DO# when we are lovers? FA#m7 RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ LA/DO# 'Cause it always ends with us hating each other FA#m7 RE7+/9 Instead of calling me out, DO#7/9+ FA#m7 you should be pulling me in LA/DO# RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ FA#m7 SOL6/9 I've just got one more thing to say RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ And why would you believe FA#m7 SOL6/9 you could control how you're perceived RE7+/9 When at your best, DO#7/9+ FA#m7 you're intermediately versed SOL6/9 in your own feelings? RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ Keep on putting off conceiving FA#m7 SOL6/9 It's only you that you're deceiving RE7+/9 Oh, don't have a child, DO#7/9+ FA#m7 don't cramp your style, I'll leave it RE7+/9 Why can't we be friends DO#7/9+ LA/DO# when we are lovers? FA#m7 RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ LA/DO# 'Cause it always ends with us hating each other FA#m7 RE7+/9 Instead of calling me out, DO#7/9+ FA#m7 you should be pulling me in LA/DO# RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ FA#m7 SOL6/9 I've just got one more thing to say RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ FA#m7 SOL6/9 RE7+/9 I'm just pissed off because you pied me off DO#7/9+ FA#m7 SOL6/9 RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ After your show when you let go of my hand FA#m7 SOL6/9 RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ FA#m7 SOL6/9 In front of some sket who wanted bit on your RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ FA#m7 SOL6/9 Nah, I'm just messing... RE7+/9 DO#7/9+ FA#m7 SOL6/9
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Sincerity Is Scary: Video

Sincerity Is Scary è un brano composto e inciso dai The 1975, contenuto nell'album A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships pubblicato nel 2018. Terzo disco di inediti per la band di Manchester, ha avuto una lavorazione travagliata a causa del percorso di disintossicazione da eroina del frontman Matty Healy. La canzone è il quarto singolo estratto dall'album, un pezzo che fonde elementi di jazz, soul e R&B e che rivela la paura che prova lo stesso Healy verso la sincerità!


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).