Our Last Summer
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Our Last Summer: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!RE RE/DO# SIm7 The summer air was soft and warm RE/LA The feeling right SOL The Paris night RE/FA# MIm SOL/RE Did it's best to please us LA MI/SOL# FA#m7 MI And strolling down the Élysées LA LA/SOL RE/FA# We had a drink in each café LA7 RE RE/DO# And you SIm7 RE/LA You talked of politics, philosophy SOL RE/FA# SOL6 LA And I smiled like Mona Lisa MIm7 MIm6+ We had our chance DO/MI MIm LA4 LA LAadd9 It was a fine and true romance LA RE FA#m SOL I can still recall our last summer LA RE FA#m SOL I still see it all LA RE Walks along the Seine FA# SIm Laughing in the rain LA6 SOL Our last summer LA RE4 Memories that remain RE RE/DO# SIm7 We made our way along the river RE/LA SOL And we sat down in the grass RE/FA# MIm SOL/RE By the Eiffel tower LA MI/SOL# FA#m7 MI I was so happy we had met LA LA/SOL RE/FA# It was the age of no regret LA RE Oh yes SIm SIm/LA Those crazy years SOL RE/FA# SOL6 LA That was the time of the flower power MIm7 MIm6+ DO/MI MIm But underneath we had a fear of flying MIm7 MIm6+ DO/MI MIm Of getting old, a fear of slowly dying MIm7 MIm6+ We took the chance DO/MI MIm LA4 LA LAadd9 Like we were dancing our last dance LA RE FA#m SOL I can still recall our last summer LA RE FA#m SOL I still see it all LA RE In the tourist jam FA# SIm 'Round the Notre Dame LA SOL Our last summer LA RE Walking hand in hand LA RE Paris restaurants FA#m SOL Our last summer LA RE FA#m SOL Morning croissants LA RE Living for the day FA# SIm Worries far away LA6 SOL Our last summer LA RE4 We could laugh and play SOL RE/FA# LA FA#7 SOL LA/SOL RE LA RE7 SOL RE/FA# LA FA#7 SOL LA RE LA7 RE RE/DO# SIm And now you're working in a bank RE/LA SOL The family man, the football fan RE/FA# MIm SOL/RE And your name is Harry LA/DO# How dull it seems MI LA SOL/LA LA6 Yet you're the hero of my dreams LA RE FA#m SOL I can still recall our last summer LA RE FA#m SOL I still see it all LA RE Walks along the Seine FA# SIm Laughing in the rain LA6 SOL Our last summer LA RE4 RE Memories that remain LA RE FA#m SOL I can still recall our last summer LA RE FA#m SOL I still see it all LA RE In the tourist jam FA# SIm 'Round the Notre Dame LA SOL Our last summer LA RE Walking hand in hand LA RE Paris restaurants FA#m SOL Our last summer LA RE FA#m SOL Morning croissants LA RE Living for the day FA# SIm Worries far away LA6 SOL Our last summer LA RE4 We could laugh and play...
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Our Last Summer: Video
Our Last Summer è un brano composto e inciso dagli Abba, contenuto nell'album Super Trouper pubblicato nel 1980. Settima fatica discografica per il quartetto svedese, prende spunto nel titolo dal cosiddetto "Occhio di bue" che illuminava gli artisti sul palco e si rivela l'ennesimo successo internazionale che scala le classifiche. La canzone è la seconda traccia del lato B e racconta di una storia d'amore adolescenziale vissuta da Björn Ulvaeus: incontrò una sua conterranea durante un viaggio nella romantica Parigi.
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