Shot in the Dark
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Shot in the Dark: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LA5 RE SOL E|-----------------------------3-3-| B|--------------------------3--3-3-| G|-7-5h6----9/7-5h6--7-5h6--2--0-0-| D|-7-5------9/7-5----7-5----0--0-0-| A|-----------------------------x-x-| E|-----------------------------3-3-| LA5 RE SOL e|------------------------3-3-| B|---------------------3--3-3-| G|-7-5h6-9/7-5h6-7-5h6-2--0-0-| D|-7-5---9/7-5---7-5---0--0-0-| A|------------------------x-x-| E|------------------------3-3-| LA RE/LA LA RE/LA LA I need a pick me up RE/LA A Rollin' Thunder truck LA RE/LA I need a shot of you LA That tattooed lady wild RE/LA Like a mountain lion LA RE/LA I got a hunger, that’s the loving truth SOL RE You got a long night coming SOL RE And a long night pumping SOL DO You got the right position SOL The heat of transmission RE/LA LA A shot in the dark RE/LA Make you feel alright LA A shot in the dark RE/LA All through the whole night LA A shot in the dark RE/LA Yeah, electric sparks DO SOL A shot in the dark DO RE Beats a walk in the park, yeah LA RE/LA LA RE/LA LA Blast it on the radio RE/LA Breaking on the TV show LA RE/LA Send it out on all the wires LA And if I didn't know any better RE/LA Your mission is to party LA RE/LA Till the broad daylight SOL RE You got a long night coming SOL RE And a long night pumping SOL DO You got the right position SOL The heat of transmission RE/LA LA A shot in the dark RE/LA Make you feel alright LA A shot in the dark RE/LA All through the whole night LA A shot in the dark RE/LA Yeah, electric sparks DO SOL A shot in the dark DO RE Beats a walk in the park, yeah LA RE SOL LA RE SOL My mission is to hit ignition DO SOL DO SOL LA RE/LA LA RE/LA RE/LA LA A shot in the dark RE/LA Make you feel alright LA A shot in the dark RE/LA All through the whole night LA A shot in the dark RE/LA Yeah, electric sparks DO SOL A shot in the dark DO RE Beats a walk in the park, yeah RE/LA LA A shot in the dark RE/LA Ooh, a shot in the dark LA A shot in the dark RE/LA A shot in the dark LA A shot in the dark RE/LA Make you feel alright DO SOL A shot in the dark DO RE Beats a walk in the park, yeah
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Shot in the Dark: Video
Shot in the Dark è un brano composto e inciso dagli AC/DC, contenuto nell'album Power Up pubblicato nel 2020. Diciassettesimo lavoro in studio per la rockband australiana, vede il rientro in formazione di Brian Johnson, Phil Rudd e Cliff Williams ed è dedicato interamente alla memoria del chitarrista Malcolm Young, morto nel 2017 a 64 anni. La canzone è il primo singolo estratto dal disco e porta la sua firma insieme a quella del fratello Angus. Pezzo in puro stile "AC/DC", buon divertimento!
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