Happy Nation
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Happy Nation: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO#m DO#m LA SOL# DO#m Laudate omnes gentes laudate LA SOL# DO#m Magnificat in secula LA FA#m SOL# DO#m Et anima mea laudate LA FA#m SOL# DO#m Magnificat in secula LA/DO# SOL# DO#m Happy nation, livin' in a happy nation LA/DO# SOL# DO#m Where the people understand and dream of perfect man LA/DO# SOL# DO#m Situation leading to sweet salvation LA/DO# SOL# For the people, for the good, DO#m LA SOL# for mankind brotherhood DO#m (We're traveling in time) FA#m SOL# DO#m Ideas by man and only that will last FA#m SOL# DO#m And over time, we've learned from the past FA#m SOL# DO#m That no man's fit to rule the world alone FA#m DO#m A man will die, but not his ideas LA/DO# SOL# DO#m Happy nation, livin' in a happy nation LA/DO# SOL# DO#m Where the people understand and dream of perfect man LA/DO# SOL# DO#m Situation leading to sweet salvation LA/DO# SOL# For the people, for the good, DO#m LA SOL# for mankind brotherhood DO#m (We're traveling in time) DO#m FA#m SOL# DO#m FA#m SOL# DO#m FA#m SOL# Tell 'em we've gone too far DO#m FA#m Tell 'em we've gone too far (happy nation) SOL# Come through DO#m FA#m SOL# and I will dance with you (happy nation) DO#m FA#m Tell 'em we've gone too far (happy nation) SOL# Come through DO#m FA#m SOL# and I will dance with you (happy nation) DO#m FA#m Tell 'em we've gone too far SOL# DO#m Come through and I will dance with you LA/DO# SOL# DO#m Happy nation, livin' in a happy nation LA/DO# SOL# DO#m Where the people understand and dream of perfect man LA/DO# SOL# DO#m Situation leading to sweet salvation LA/DO# SOL# For the people, for the good, for mankind brotherhood... DO#m SOL# DO#m SOL# Happy nation DO#m FA#m/DO# SOL# DO#m SOL# Hap--py nation DO#m FA#m/DO# SOL# DO#m SOL# Hap--py nation DO#m FA#m/DO# SOL# DO#m SOL# Hap--py nation
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Happy Nation: Video
Happy Nation è un brano composto e inciso dagli Ace of Base, contenuto nell'album omonimo pubblicato nel 1992. Si tratta del debutto discografico per il trio svedese, progetto pensato e realizzato per il solo mercato danese ma che in poco tempo si sarebbe rivelato un grandissimo successo internazionale da ben 23 milioni di copie. La canzone, la title track, è il terzo singolo estratto dall'album: una vivace ballata eurodance che raggiunse la vetta della classifica in Francia, Danimarca, Finlandia e Israele. Buon divertimento!
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