Diamond In The Rough
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Diamond In The Rough: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Accordatura: DGCFAD INTRO & CHORUS d|--------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------| F|----------7----7--5-7-----------------------| C|--2---5---7----7--5-7--5---7---2----2--0-2--| G|--2---5---5----5--5-5--5---7---2----2--0-2--| D|--0---3----------------3---5---0----0--0-0--| d|------------------------| A|------------------------| F|------------------------| C|--2-------5--7--5-7--7--| G|--2-------5--7--5-7--7--| D|--0-------3--5--3-5--5--| RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 I had a dollar in my pocket RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 And dirt on my hands RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 She was a rich man's daughter RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 Who didn't give a damn d|-----------------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------| F|--2--------5--7--5-7--7--2-------5--7--5-7-----| C|--2--------5--7--5-7--7--2-------5--7--5-7--5--| G|--0--------3--5--3-5--5--0-------3--5--3-5--5--| D|--------------------------------------------3--| SOL5 SIb5 DO5 SIb5 DO5 She had all the boys talkin' SOL5 SIb5 DO5 SIb5 DO5 With her fancy cat walkin' RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 But it was me who took her home RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 And gave her bed a good rockin' d|----------------------| A|----------------------| F|--4--------2-------7--| C|--4--------2----5--7--| G|--2--------0----5--5--| D|----------------3-----| LA5 Cause at the end of the day SOL5 FA5 DO5 Honey when it's all said and done... RE5 FA5 DO5 FA5 SOL5 RE5 I can't get enough of that diamond in the rough RE5 FA5 DO5 FA5 SOL5 RE5 I can't get enough of that diamond in the rough RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 Early next morning RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 I woke naked and beat RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 And as the sun was rising RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 She was still lookin' like a treat SOL5 SIb5 DO5 SIb5 DO5 I stuck my finger in the honey SOL5 SIb5 DO5 SIb5 DO5 Threw my dollar in the well RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 And when I made my wish RE5 FA5 SOL5 FA5 SOL5 You know it was as clear as a bell LA5 That at the end of the day SOL5 FA5 DO5 Honey when it's all said and done... RE5 FA5 DO5 FA5 SOL5 RE5 I can't get enough of that diamond in the rough RE5 FA5 DO5 FA5 SOL5 RE5 I can't get enough of that diamond in the rough SOL5 RE5 LA5 SOL5 FA5 RE5 FA5 DO5 FA5 SOL5 RE5 I can't get enough of that diamond in the rough RE5 FA5 DO5 FA5 SOL5 RE5 I can't get enough of that diamond in the rough RE5 FA5 DO5 FA5 SOL5 RE5 I can't get enough of that diamond in the rough RE5 FA5 DO5 FA5 SOL5 RE5 I can't get enough of that diamond in the rough
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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Diamond In The Rough: Video
Diamond In The Rough è un brano scritto a inciso dagli Airbourne, contenuto nell'album Runnin'Wild pubblicato nel 2007. Disco d'esordio per la rockband australiana, riscuote ottimo successo in tutto il Regno Unito aggiudicandosi il disco d'argento e oltre 60,000 copie vendute. Il pezzo è una carica di energia in forma di hard-rock. Qui di seguito anche la tablatura, buon divertimento! Attenzione, gli accordi riportati qui sotto sono riportati in tonalità originale, non seguono l'accordatura usata.
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