Bouncing Off Clouds
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Bouncing Off Clouds: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO#m LA MIadd9 LA DO#m LA MIadd9 LA DO#m LA MIadd9 SI Bouncing off of Clouds DO#m LA MIadd9 LA we were DO#m LA MIadd9 SI Is there a love Lost and DO#m LA MIadd9 LA Found DO#m Make it easy LA Make this easy MI SI It's not as heavy as it seems DO#m Wrapped in metal LA Wrapped in ivy MI SI Paint it in mint ice cream DO#m LAadd9 MI We could be Bouncing off the top of this Cloud SI I'll put on my silver DO#m LAdd9 MI SI Bouncing off the top of this Cloud DO#m LA MIadd9 LA DO#m LA MIadd9 LA DO#m Failure to respo----nd but LA MIadd9 SI I did but did you listen DO#m LAadd9 MI Bouncing off the top of this Cloud SI I'll put on my silver DO#m LAadd9 MI About what you said, has it come to this? SI I'll put on my silver DO#m LAadd9 MI SI Bouncing off the top of this Cloud DO#m LA MIadd9 LA SI DO#m7 Well you can stare all day at the sky LA But that won't bring her back MI/SOL# That won't bring her back SI DO#m7 You say you're waiting on fate LA But I think fate is now MI/SOL# I think fate is now SI Waiting on us DO#m Make it easy LA MIadd9 Easy easy SI DO#m We could make this easy LA MIadd9 Easy love easy SI DO#m We could make this easy LA Make this easy MIadd SI It's not as heavy as it seems DO#m Wrapped in metal LA Wrapped in ivy MIad9 SI Blue umbrellas now smiling DO#m LAadd9 MI We could be Bouncing off the top of this Cloud SI I'll put on my silver DO#m LAadd9 About what you said, has it come to this? SI I'll put on my silver DO#m LAadd9 MI Bouncing off the top of this Cloud SI I'll put on my silver DO#m LAadd9 MI About what you said, has it come to this? SI DO#m I'll put on my silver LA MIadd9 SI4 Bouncing off of Clouds we were
Autore: AMOS M ELLENCopyright: © Downtown Music Publishing, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd
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Bouncing Off Clouds: Video
Bouncing Off Clouds è un brano scritto e interpretato da Myra Ellen Amos, meglio conosciuta come Tori Amos, contenuto nell'album American Doll Posse pubblicato nel 2007. Nono disco di inediti per la cantautrice statunitense, è caratterizzato da uno stile prettamente rock con un sound più duro rispetto ai lavori precedenti. La canzone, uno dei migliori esempi di tale cambiamento, è una vivace ballata pop-rock dalla melodia coinvolgente e penetrante.
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