We Gotta Get Out of This Place
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We Gotta Get Out of This Place: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO7 DO9 In this dirty old part of the city Where the sun refused to shine People tell me there ain't no use in tryin' Now my girl, you're so young and pretty And one thing I know is true You'll be dead before your time is due, I know DO9 Watch my daddy in bed a-dyin' Watched his hair been turnin' grey He's been workin' and slavin' his life away, oh yes I know it And I've been workin' too, baby (yeah!) Every night and day (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!) FA SIb DO We gotta get out of this place FA SOL DO If it's the last thing we ever do FA SIb DO We gotta get out of this place REm 'Cause girl, there's a better life FA MIb SIb DO for me and you FA MIb SIb DO DO9 Now my girl you're so young and pretty And one thing I know is true, yeah You'll be dead before your time is due, I know it Watch my daddy in bed a-dyin' Watched his hair been turnin' grey, yeah He's been workin' and slavin' his life away I know he's been workin' so hard Every day baby (yeah!) Whoa! (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!) FA SIb DO We gotta get out of this place FA SOL DO If it's the last thing we ever do FA SIb DO We gotta get out of this place REm girl, there's a better life FA MIb SIb DO for me and you FA MIb SIb DO FA SIb DO We gotta get out of this place FA SOL DO If it's the last thing we ever do FA SIb DO We gotta get out of this place REm girl, there's a better life FA MIb SIb DO for me and you... FA MIb SIb DO FA MIb SIb DO
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We Gotta Get Out of This Place: Video
We Gotta Get Out of This Place è un brano inciso dai The Animals, contenuto nell'album Animal Tracks pubblicato nel 1965. Si tratta del terzo disco di inediti per la band britannica, frutto dell'unione di tanti singoli in 45 giri rimasti esclusi dai precedenti due LP (entrambi eponimi, usciti nel 1964). La canzone è il brano d'apertura del lato A ed il terzo singolo estratto; musica e parole portano la firma del compositore statunitense Barry Mann e di sua moglie Cynthia Weil e divenne un vero e proprio simbolo durante la guerra nel Vietnam.
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