No Angels
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No Angels: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE FA#m MI RE FA#m MI RE Parlato: Well, I run the office and tend the cabins and grounds and—and do the errands for my mother The ones she allows I might be capable of doing And do you go out with friends? Well, a—a boy's best friend is his mother FA#m MI6 RE FA#m MI6 RE RE A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly FA#m and is also known as a buster MI Always talkin' about what he wants RE and just sits on his broke ass So, no, I don't want your number FA#m No, I don't wanna give you mine and MI No, I don't wanna meet you nowhere RE No, don't want none of your time RE7+ No, I don't want no scrubs FA#m MI A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side RE7+ Of his best friend's ride Trying to holler at me I don't want no scrubs FA#m MI A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side RE7+ Of his best friend's ride RE FA#m Trying to holler at me MI RE7+ Trying to holler at me at me RE But a scrub's checkin' me FA#m and his game is kinda weak And I know that he cannot approach me MI 'Cause I'm looking like class and he's looking like trash RE Can't get with no dead-beat ass So No, I don't want your number FA#m No, I don't wanna give you mine and MI No, I don't wanna meet you nowhere RE No, don't want none of your time No I don't want no scrubs FA#m MI A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side RE Of his best friend's ride Trying to holler at me I don't want no scrub FA#m MI A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side RE Of his best friend's ride Trying to holler at me FA#m Holler at me MI6 Holler at me RE7+ Holler at me If you don't have a car and you're walking FA#m (Oh yes son, I'm talking to you) MI If you live at home with your momma RE We're all in our private traps If you have a shorty but you don't show love FA#m Clamped in them, and none of us can ever get out MI6 Wanna get me with no money RE7+ Oh no, I don't want no FA#m MI6 RE7+ No scrubs, no scrubs Sometimes we deliberately step into those traps FA#m No scrubs, I was born in mine; I don't mind it anymore MI6 RE7+ No scrubs, Oh but you should, you should mind it No scrubs, Oh I do, but I say I don't RE No, I don't want no scrubs FA#m MI A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side RE7+ Of his best friend's ride Trying to holler at me I don't want no scrubs FA#m MI A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side RE7+ Of his best friend's ride Trying to holler at me FA#m Trying to holler at me MI6 Holler at me RE7+ FA#m MI6 RE7+ Trying to holler at me
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No Angels: Video
No Angels è un brano composto e inciso dai Bastille, contenuto nel Mixtape Other People's Heartache, Pt. 2 pubblicato a fine 2012. Secondo lavoro in studio per la band londinese, è il frutto dell'incontro con la loro prima etichetta discografica: la "Young and Lost Club", la cui collaborazione era iniziata l'anno precedente. La canzone vede come protagonista una donna in cerca dell'uomo giusto, che non si accontenta di mediocrità ma pretende il meglio! Durante il pezzo possiamo riconoscere alcuni passaggi tratti dal film cult "Psycho".
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