Brass Monkey
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Brass Monkey: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!MIb7 Brass Monkey That funky Monkey Brass Monkey junkie That funky Monkey Brass SIbm Got this dance that's more than real Drink Brass Monkey here's how you feel Put your left leg down, your right leg up Tilt your head back let's finish the cup M.C.A. with the bottle, D. rocks the can Ad-Rock gets nice with Charlie Chan We're offered Moet, we don't mind Chivas Wherever we go with bring the Monkey with us Ad-Rock drinks three, Mike D. is D Double R. foots the bill most definitely I drink Brass Monkey and I rock well I got a castle in Brooklyn that's where I dwell MIb7 Brass Monkey That funky Monkey Brass Monkey junkie That funky Monkey Brass SIbm 'Cause I drink it anytime and any place When it's time to get ill, I pour it on my face Monkey tastes def when you pour it on ice Come on y'all it's time to get nice Coolin' by the lockers getting kind of funky Me and the crew, we're drinking Brass Monkey This girl walked by she gave me the eye I reached in the locker grabbed the Spanish Fly I put it with the Monkey mixed it in the cup Went over to the girl, yo baby, what's up? I offered her a sip, the girl she gave me lip It did begin the stuff wore in and now she's on my tip MIb7 Brass Monkey That funky Monkey Brass Monkey junkie That funky Monkey Brass SIbm Step up to the bar put the girl down She takes a big gulp and slaps it around Take a sip, you can do it, you get right to it We had a case in the place and we went right through it You got a dry martini thinking you're cool I'll take your place at the bar, I smack you off your stool I'll down a .40 dog in a single gulp And if you got beef you'll get beat to a pulp Monkey and parties and reelin' and rockin' Def, def, girls, girls, all y'all jockin' The song and dance keeping you in a trance If you don't buy my record I got my advance I drink it, I think it I see it, I be it I love Brass Monkey but I won't give D it We got the bottle you got the cup Come on everybody let's get ffff MIb7 Brass Monkey That funky Monkey Brass Monkey junkie That funky Monkey Brass Monkey That funky Monkey Brass Monkey junkie SIbm That funky Monkey... MIb7 Brass Monkey
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Brass Monkey: Video
Brass Monkey è un brano scritto e inciso dai Beastie Boys, contenuto nell'album Licensed to Ill pubblicato nel 1986. Disco d'esordio per i rapper di New York, è interamente dedicato alla madre di uno dei componenti, Adam Horovitz, che perse la vita prematuramente nello stesso anno. La canzone prende spunto nel titolo dall'omonimo cocktail che, per via del colore giallo dato dal succo d'arancia, viene paragonato all'Ottone; una delle pietre miliari dell'Hip-hop.
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