Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love for You
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Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love for You: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: REb SOLb LAb SOLb6 FA7 SIbm SIbm/LAb MIb7/SOL MIbm7 REb/FA LAb11 REb REb LAb/DO SIbm7 If I had to live my life without you near me LAb6 SOLb7+ REb/FA The days would all be empty MIbm7 LAb4 LAb The nights would seem so long REb LAb/DO SIbm With you I see forever, oh, so clearly LAb6 SOLb7+ REb/FA I might have been in love before MIbm7 LAb4 LAb But it never felt this strong SOLb REbadd9/FA Our dreams are young and we both know REb11 SOLb7+ They'll take us where we want to go MIbm7 REb/FA Hold me now, touch me now SOLb LAb11 I don't want to live without you REb SOLb7+ Nothing's gonna change my love for you LAb FA7 You oughta know by now how much I love you SIbm MIb7/SOL One thing you can be sure of LAb7/4 I'll never ask for more than your love REb SOLb7+ Nothing's gonna change my love for you LAb SOLb6 FA7 You oughta know by now how much I love you SIbm SIbm/LAb MIb7/SOL The world may change my whole life through LAb11 REb But nothing's gonna change my love for you REb LAbadd9/DO SIbm7 If the road ahead is not so easy LAb6 SOLb7+ REbadd9/FA Our love will lead the way for us MIbm7 LAb7/4 LAb Like a guiding star REb LAbadd9/DO SIbm7 I'll be there for you if you should need me LAb6 SOLb7+ REbadd9/FA You don't have to change a thing MIbm7 LAb4 LAb I love you just the way you are SOLb REbadd9/FA So come with me and share the view REb11 SOLb7+ I'll help you see forever too MIbm7 REb/FA Hold me now, touch me now SOLb LAb11 I don't want to live without you REb SOLb7+ Nothing's gonna change my love for you LAb FA7 You oughta know by now how much I love you SIbm MIb7/SOL One thing you can be sure of LAb7/4 I'll never ask for more than your love REb SOLb7+ Nothing's gonna change my love for you LAb SOLb6 FA7 You oughta know by now how much I love you SIbm SIbm/LAb MIb7/SOL The world may change my whole life through LAb11 LA7 But nothing's gonna change my love for youRE SOL Nothing's gonna change my love for you LA SOL6 FA#7 You oughta know by now how much I love you SIm LA6 MI7/SOL# One thing you can be sure of LA11 I'll never ask for more than your love...FA7+ SIb7+ SIm7/5- DO DO/SIb LA LA/DO# REm SOLm7 LA7/4 LARE SOL7+ Nothing's gonna change my love for you LA SOL6 FA#7 You oughta know by now how much I love you SIm LA6 MI7/SOL# The world may change my whole life through LA11 But nothing's gonna change my love for you RE SOL7+ Nothing's gonna change my love for you LA FA#7 You oughta know by now how much I love you SIm MI7/SOL# One thing you can be sure of LA11 I'll never ask for more than your love RE SOL7+ Nothing's gonna change my love for you LA SOL6 FA#7 You oughta know by now how much I love you SIm LA6 MI7/SOL# The world may change my whole life through LA11 But nothing's gonna change my love for you...
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Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love for You: Video
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You è un brano interpretato e inciso da George Benson, contenuto nell'album 20/20 pubblicato nel 1985. Ventitreesimo lavoro in studio per il grande chitarrista di Pittsburgh, rappresenta il periodo di maggior popolarità della sua carriera, contrassegnato da un successo dopo l'altro oltre a importanti riconoscimenti. La canzone porta le firme di Michael Masser e Gerry Goffin ed uscì come singolo in anteprima nel 1984. Il suo cavallo di battaglia "pop"!
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