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Howl: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
DO REm7 Lately it's hard to let you know SIbadd9 that I'll never learn DO REm7 SIbadd9 I am explosive and volatile, I'm on the turn DO REm7 SIbadd9 It's time to squirm, I've backed into a wall DO REm7 SIbadd9 My cage has spilled it's contents on the floor DO REm7 SIbadd9 My grave concern's I can't ignore the past DO DO#dim REm I'll look into the future to make it last SIb I'm never gonna sleep again FA (I'm never gonna sleep again) LAm I get to do it all wrong (I get to do it all wrong) SIbadd9 I'm never gonna sleep again (again and again and again) Again (again and again and again) DO REm7 'Cause lately it's hard to let you know SIbadd9 that I'll never learn DO REm7 SIbadd9 I am explosive and volatile, I'm on the turn DO REm7 SIbadd9 So I'm gonna howl like an animal FA 'Cause lately it's hard to let you know DO REm7 SIabdd9 There's no return and there's no-one to call DO REm7 SIbadd9 I picked a phone connected to the gods DO REm7 SIbadd9 My stitches burst but don't produce a scar DO DO#dim REm Why can't I see this time what's done is done? SIb I'm never gonna sleep again FA (I'm never gonna sleep again) LAm I get to do it all wrong (i get to do it all wrong) SIbadd9 I'm never gonna sleep again (again and again and again) Again (again and again and again) DO REm7 'Cause baby it's hard to let you know SIbadd9 that I'll never learn (I got the rage, I always got the rage) DO REm7 SIbadd9 I am explosive and volatile, I'm on the turn (I got the rage, I always got the rage) DO REm7 SIbadd9 So I'm gonna howl like an animal (like an animal) FA SOL5 'Cause lately it's hard to let you know SIbadd9 That I'll never learn! Learn! Learn! Learn! DO REm7 SIbadd9 Woah! Woah-oh!... DO REm7 SIbadd9 Woah! Woah-oh!... DO REm7 SIbadd9 So I'm gonna howl like an animal FA SOL5 'Cause lately it's hard to let you know DO REm7 Lately it's hard to let you know SIbadd9 that I'll never learn (I got the rage, I always got the rage) DO REm7 SIbadd9 I am explosive and volatile, I'm on the turn (I got the rage, I always got the rage) DO REm7 SIbadd9 So I'm gonna howl like an animal FA 'Cause lately it's hard to let you know SIb that I'll never learn
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Howl: Video

Howl è un brano composto e inciso dai Biffy Clyro, contenuto nell'album Ellipsis pubblicato nel 2016. Settimo disco di inediti per la rockband scozzese, è il frutto di due anni di lavorazione e dà il LA ad una nuova fase artistica dove propongono al pubblico un nuovo sound, acustico e lontano dalle loro precedenti produzioni. La canzone è il terzo singolo estratto dall'album e porta la firma al testo del cantante Simon Neil; una vivace ballata pop-rock perfetta per la chitarra!


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).