God Is Dead?
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God Is Dead?: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- SI RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- SI RE#m5- DO#5 RE#5 DO#5 RE#5 FA5 FA#5 DO#5 RE#5 DO#5 RE#5 FA5 FA#5 DO#5 DO#5 RE#5 DO#5 RE#5 FA5 FA#5 DO#5 RE#5 DO#5 RE#5 LA#5 LA5 FA#5 RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- Lost in the darkness RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- I fade from the light RE#m RE#m5- Faith of my father, my brother, RE#m RE#m5- my Maker and Savior RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- Help me make it through the night RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- Blood on my conscious RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- And murder in mind RE#m RE#m5- Out of the gloom I rise up RE#m RE#m5- from my tomb into impending doom RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- Now my body is my shrine SI5 The blood runs free LA#5 The rain turns red FA#5 Give me the wine FA5 RE#5 You keep the bread SI5 LA#5 The voices echo in my head FA#5 FA5 RE#5 Is God alive or is God dead? Is God dead? RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- Rivers of evil RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- Run through dying land RE#m RE#m5- Swimming in sorrow, they kill, steal, RE#m RE#m5- and borrow, there is no tomorrow RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- For the sinners will be damned RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- Ashes to ashes RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- You cannot exhume a soul RE#m RE#m5- Who do you trust when corruption and lust, RE#m RE#m5- creed of all the unjust, RE#m RE#m5- RE#m RE#m5- Leaves you empty and unwhole? SI5 DO#5 When will this nightmare be over? Tell me! SI5 DO#5 When can I empty my head? SI5 DO#5 Will someone tell me the answer? RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 Is God really dead? RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 Is God really dead? RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 To safeguard my philosophy RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 Until my dying breath RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 I transfer from reality RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 Into a mental death RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 I empathize with enemes RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 Until the timing's right RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 With God and Satan at my side RE#5 FA#5 RE#5 RE5 From darkness will come light SI5 The blood runs free LA#5 The rain turns red FA#5 Give me the wine FA5 RE#5 You keep the bread SI5 LA#5 These riddles that live in my head FA#5 FA5 RE#5 I don't believe that God is dead God is dead DO#5 RE#5 DO#5 RE#5 FA5 FA#5 DO#5 RE#5 DO#5 RE#5 FA5 FA#5 DO#5 DO#5 RE#5 DO#5 RE#5 FA5 FA#5 DO#5 RE#5 DO#5 RE#5 LA#5 LA5 FA#5 RE#5 RE#m Nowhere to run Nowhere to hide Wondering if we will meet again On the other side Do you believe a word What the good book said? Or is it just a holy fairytale And God is dead? God is dead, God is dead God is dead, God is dead ...Right! RE#5 FA5 FA#5 SOL#5 DO#5 RE#5 RE#5 FA5 FA#5 SOL#5 DO#5 RE#5 RE#5 FA5 FA#5 SOL#5 DO#5 RE#5 RE#5 FA5 FA#5 SOL#5 DO#5 RE#5 RE#5 SI5 LA#5 But still the voices in my head FA#5 FA5 RE#5 Are telling me that God is dead SI5 The blood pours down LA#5 The rain turns red FA#5 FA5 RE#5 I don't believe that God is dead God is dead, God is dead LA5 SOL#5 God is dead...
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God Is Dead?: Video
God Is Dead? è un brano composto e inciso dai Black Sabbath, contenuto nell'album 13 pubblicato nel 2013. Diciannovesimo disco di inediti per la band britannica, è il frutto di un lavoro durato ben dodici anni, iniziato con il prezioso aiuto del noto produttore Rick Rubin. La canzone è il primo singolo estratto dall'album e vede dopo tanti anni il ritorno come interprete di Ozzy Osbourne; il titolo è un chiaro riferimento al concetto teorizzato dal filosofo tedesco Friedrich Nietzsche.
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