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A Voice in the Dark: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro (ripete): RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 RE#5 A sense of denial come witness my trial FA#5 MI5 The crow has turned into a li---ar RE#5 I'll live, I may die I've failed though I've tried FA#5 MI5 LA#5 But finally I fly
It is the fool DO#5 SI5 Who puts faith in false sa---viors LA#5 The innocent understands DO#5 SI5 LA#5 He's still fal------ling SI5 DO#5 LA#5 And furthermore he's now aware Come spread your wings awake now FA#5 SOL#5 The enemy within will soon appear FA5 You're trapped in my mind FA#5 Ask for the key LA#5 SI5 LA#5 Don't search for fine lines SI5 There's no release RE#5 Though I can feel its presence DO#5 There's a sign to reveal RE#5 Then after all DO#5 I'm sure I'll keep on falling SI RE#m They send a sign DO#/FA When dead winter will come again SI RE#m DO#/FA There from the ruins I will rise RE#m LA#/RE Fear the voice in the dark Be aware now DO# DOm7/5- SI Believe in dark wings and dark words FA# DO#/FA The sha-dow returns RE#m LA#/RE Fear the voice in the dark Be aware now DO# DOm7/5- SI Black shadows they hide and they wait FA# DO#/FA RE#m LA#/RE But they soon will return DO# SOL#/DO SI FA# DO#/FA
RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 FA#5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 SOL#5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 FA#5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 SOL#5
RE#5 It will never be the same SI5 DO5 LA#5 SI5 LA#5 And no---thing remains RE#5 I can't find a way but I'm facing it SI5 DO5 LA#5 SI5 DO#5 Oh there will be no sa--vior RE#m SI DO# I can foresee all the pain SOL#m They are about to creep in RE#m SI Curse me, hate me, hurt me, kill me DO# SOL#m Oh they will rest no longer SI DO# Paralyzed and frozen SOL#m Free your mind you're broken SI DO# Paralyzed and frozen SOL#m Learn to roam don't look back RE#5 On stunning fields of mayhem DO#5 I will find no relief RE#5 It's just a dream DO#5 I wish that I could tell you SI RE#m The vision fades DO#/FA There is no sanctuary SI RE#m What will go up DO#/FA Surely comes down RE#m LA#/RE Fear the voice in the dark Be aware now DO# DOm7/5- SI Believe in dark wings and dark words FA# DO#/FA The sha-dow returns RE#m LA#/RE Fear the voice in the dark Be aware now DO# DOm7/5- SI Black shadows they hide and they wait FA# DO#/FA RE#m LA#/RE REdim But they soon will return RE#m LA#/RE LA#7 SOL#m SOL#dim RE#m LA#/RE RE#m/DO# DOm7/5- SI RE#m LA#/RE RE#m/DO# DOm7/5- SI RE#m LA#/RE DO# SOL#/DO SI FA# SI RE#m DO#/FA SI RE#m DO#/FA RE#m In vain LA#/RE Still I don't understand RE#m/DO So talk to me again SI Why do I fear these words? LA# What keeps holding me back? RE#m I hear a voice SI It comes from everywhere RE#m SI Now find a way 'cause you're the key Begin to understand RE#m The descending ends DO#/FA Now I know I won't fly again SI RE#m DO#/FA On through the mist, I'm facing ground RE#m LA#/RE Fear the voice in the dark Be aware now DO# DOm7/5- SI Believe in dark wings and dark words FA# DO#/FA The sha-dow returns RE#m LA#/RE Fear the voice in the dark Be aware now DO# DOm7/5- SI Black shadows they hide and they wait FA# DO#/FA RE#5 MI5 LA5 But they soon will return RE#5 MI5 LA5 RE#5 MI5 LA5 RE#5 MI5 LA5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 FA#5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 SOL#5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 FA#5 RE#5 MI5 RE#5 LA5 SOL#5 RE#5
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!


Autori: Hansi Kürsch, André Olbrich

A Voice in the Dark: Video

A Voice in the Dark è un brano composto e inciso dai Blind Guardian, contenuto nell'album At the Edge of Time pubblicato nel 2010. Nono lavoro in studio per la band tedesca, è il frutto della speciale collaborazione con l'orchestra sinfonica di Praga che dà al progetto un gran bel tocco di classicismo. La canzone è l'unico singolo estratto dal disco e porta le firme di Hansi Kürsch e André Olbrich; il testo prende spunto dalla serie fantasy "Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco" di George R. R. Martin.


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L'autore del post

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Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).