Burnin’ for You
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Burnin’ for You: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: FA SOL LAm7 FAadd9 SOL MIm FA REm SOL LAm MIm Home in the valley REm FA SOL Home in the city LAm MIm Home isn't pretty REm FA MIm Ain't no home for me LAm MIm Home in the darkness REm FA SOL Home on the highway LAm MIm Home isn't my way REm FA MIm Home I'll never be LAm SOL FA SOL LAm Burn out the day SOL FA SOL Burn out the night DO FA SOL I can't see no reason to put up a fight DO SOL/SI LAm7 SOL REm FA SOL I'm living for givin' the devil his due LAm SOL FA And I'm burnin', I'm burnin', SOL LAm SOL FA SOL I'm burnin' for you LAm SOL FA SOL FA I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you... SOL LAm7 FAadd9 SOL MIm FA REm SOL LAm MIm Time is the essence REm FA SOL Time is the season LAm MIm Time ain't no reason REm FA MIm Got no time to slow LAm MIm Time everlasting REm FA SOL Time to play b sides LAm MIm Time ain't on my side REm FA MIm Time I'll never know LAm SOL FA SOL LAm Burn out the day SOL FA SOL Burn out the night DO I'm not the one to tell you FA SOL what's wrong and what's right DO SOL/SI LAm7 I've seen suns that were freezing SOL REm FA SOL and lives that were through LAm SOL FA And I'm burnin', I'm burnin', SOL LAm SOL FA SOL I'm burnin' for you LAm SOL FA SOL FA I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you... LAm MIm REm FA SOL LAm MIm REm FA MIm LAm MIm REm FA SOL LAm MIm REm FA MIm LAm SOL FA SOL LAm Burn out the day SOL FA SOL Burn out the night DO FA SOL I can't see no reason to put up a fight DO SOL/SI LAm7 SOL REm FA SOL I'm living for givin' the devil his due LAm SOL FA And I'm burnin', I'm burnin', SOL LAm SOL FA SOL I'm burnin' for you LAm SOL FA And I'm burnin', I'm burnin', SOL LAm SOL FA SOL I'm burnin' for you LAm SOL FA And I'm burnin', I'm burnin', SOL LAm SOL FA SOL I'm burnin' for you LAm SOL FA SOL FA I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you... LAm
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Burnin’ for You: Video
Burnin' for You è un brano composto e inciso dai Blue Öyster Cult, contenuto nell'album Fire of Unknown Origin pubblicato nel 1981. Ottavo lavoro in studio per la band di Long Island (New York), si rivela l'ultimo disco per il batterista Albert Bouchard che abbandona la formazione durante il tour promozionale. La canzone è uno dei loro cavalli di battaglia; scritta da Donald Roeser e Richard Meltzer, è una delle espressioni più romantiche del loro repertorio. Nasce in un garage di casa!
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