The Last Goodbye
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The Last Goodbye: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO DO I saw the light fade from the sky On the wind I heard a sigh LAm FA LAm FA As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers DO FA DO I will say this last goodbye LAm FA DO Night is now falling SOL So ends this day LAm FA DO SOL The road is now calling and I must away LAm FA Over hill and under tree REm FA Through lands where never light has shone DO FA SOL By silver streams that run down to the Sea LAm FA Under cloud, beneath the stars REm FA Over snow and winter's morn DO FA SOL REm I turn at last to paths that lead home FA SOL LAm And though where the road then takes me SOL REm I cannot tell FA We came all this way LAm But now comes the day SOL To bid you farewell DO FA DO Many places I have been FA DO Many sorrows I have seen LAm FA But I don't regret LAm FA Nor will I forget DO FA DO All who took that road with me LAm FA DO Night is now falling SOL So ends this day LAm FA The road is now calling DO SOL And I must away LAm FA Over hill and under tree REm FA Through lands where never light has shone DO FA SOL By silver streams that run down to the Sea LAm FA To these memories I will hold REm FA With your blessing I will go DO FA SOL To turn at last to paths that lead home REm FA LAm And though where the road then takes me SOL I cannot tell REm FA We came all this way LAm But now comes the day SOL To bid you farewell FA LAm/MI FA LAm/MI FA LAm/MI FA DO I bid you all a very fond farewell
Autori: Howard Leslie Shore, Frances Rosemary Walsh, Philippa Jane Boyens, Billy BoydGenerato su Accordi e Spartiti -
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The Last Goodbye: Video
The Last Goodbye è un brano interpretato e inciso da Bill Boyd, pubblicato come singolo nel 2014 e che il cantante e attore scozzese realizza per la colonna sonora del film "Lo Hobbit - La battaglia delle cinque armate" diretto da Peter Jackson, per accompagnarne i titoli di coda; musica e parole portano le firme di Howard Leslie Shore, Frances Rosemary Walsh e Philippa Jane Boyens: si presenta come un'elegante e delicata ballata pop-folk perfetta per la chitarra!
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