Somebody’s Baby
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Somebody’s Baby: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LA/RE RE LA/RE LA/RE LA/SI SIm7 LA/SI SIm7 LA/SOL SOL7+/9 LA/SOL SOL7+/9 RE/LA LA LA/RE RE LA/RE LA/RE LA/SI SIm7 LA/SI SIm7 LA/SOL SOL7+/9 LA/SOL SOL7+/9 RE/LA LA SOL Well, just look at that girl LA SIm LA/DO# RE with the lights coming up in her eyes LA/SOL SOL LA She's got to be somebody's baby LA/SOL SOL LA She must be somebody's baby SOL LA All the guys on the corner stand back SIm LA/DO# RE and let her walk on by LA/SOL SOL LA They say she's got to be somebody's baby LA/SOL SOL LA She must be somebody's baby LA/SOL SOL LA Yeah, she's got to be somebody's baby LA/RE RE 'cause she's so fine SIm7 SOL7+/9 She's probably somebody's only light, RE/LA LA gonna shine tonight RE SIm7 SOL7+ RE/LA LA Yeah, she's probably somebody's baby alright SOL I heard her talking with a friend, LA SIm LA/DO# RE when she thought nobody else was around LA/SOL SOL LA She said she's got to be somebody's baby LA/SOL SOL LA She must be somebody's baby SOL 'Cause when the cars and the signs LA SIm LA/DO# RE and the streetlights light up the town LA/SOL SOL LA She's got to be somebody's baby LA/SOL SOL LA She must be somebody's baby LA/SOL SOL LA Yeah, she's got to be somebody's, LA/RE RE 'cause she's so fine SIm7 SOL7+/9 She's probably somebody's only light, RE/LA LA gonna shine tonight RE SIm7 SOL7+/9 RE/LA LA Yeah, she's probably somebody's baby alright SOL I try to shut my eyes LA SIm but I can't get her out of my sight SOL I know I'm gonna know her, LA SIm I just gotta get over my fright SOL Well, I'm just gonna walk up to her, LA RE SIm7 SOL7+ RE/LA LA I'm gonna talk to her tonight... RE SIm7 SOL7+/9 RE/LA LA SOL LA SOL LA SOL LA SOL LA RE SIm7 SOL7+/9 Yeah, she's gonna be somebody's only light, RE/LA LA gonna shine tonight RE SIm7 SOL7+/9 RE/LA LA Yeah, she's gonna be somebody's baby, alright RE SIm7 SOL7+/9 Yeah, she's gonna be somebody's only light, RE/LA LA gonna shine tonight RE SIm7 SOL7+/9 RE/LA LA Yeah, she's gonna be somebody's baby, alright... RE SIm7 SOL7+/9 RE/LA LA
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Somebody’s Baby: Video
Somebody's Baby è un brano scritto e interpretato da Jackson Browne, all'anagrafe Clyde Jackson Browne, pubblicato come singolo nel 1982. Canzone che il cantautore nato in Germania scrive insieme a Danny Kortchmar, fa parte della colonna sonora del film "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" diretto da Amy Heckerling. Si tratta di un ritorno al successo in grande stile, rivelandosi poi il pezzo più alto in classifica della sua carriera; musicalmente si presenta come un'orecchiabile ballata pop dal gusto melodico.
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