I Know It’s Over
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I Know It’s Over: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!DO SOL LAm Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head FA SOL DO And as I climb into an empty bed LAm SOL Oh well, enough said FA SOL I know it's over still I cling FA SOL I don't know where else I can go FA SOL Over... DO MIm LAm Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head FA SOL DO See the sea wants to take me, MIm The knife wants to slit me LAm Do you think you can help me FA SOL DO Sad veiled bride please be happy LAm Handsome groom give her room FA SOL DO Loud loutish lover treat her kindly Though she needs you FA LAm Mo----re than she loves you FA SOL And I know it's over, still I cling FA SOL I don't know where else I can go FA FA/MI REm REm/DO SIm7/5- SOL Over over... DO I know it's over LAm And it never really began FA But in my heart it was so real SOL And she even spoke to me and said DO If you're so funny, MIm LAm FA SOL Why are you on your own tonight? DO And if you're so clever MIm LAm FA SOL Why are you on your own tonight? DO And if you're so very entertaining MIm LAm FA Why are you on your own tonight? DO/MI And if you're so very good looking MIm LAm Why do you sleep alone tonight? FA I know DO/MI 'Cos tonight is just like any other night MIm LAm FA SOL That's why you're on your own tonight DO SOL/SI LAm With your triumphs and your charms SOL While they're in each other's arms FA It's so easy to laugh SOL It's so easy to hate FA SOL It takes strength to be gentle and kind FA FA/MI REm REm/DO SIm7/5- SOL7 Over over... DO/MI It's so easy to laugh SOL It's so easy to hate DO FA It takes guts to be gentle and kind LAm FA SOL Over and over... DO/MI FA LAm SOL Love is natural and real MIm But not for you my love FA Not tonight my love DO/MI FA LAm Love is natural and real MIm FA SOL But not for such as you and I my love DO FA LAm MIm FA Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head SOL DO FA LAm FA LAm Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head SOL DO FA LAm MIm Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head FA SOL DO
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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I Know It’s Over: Video
I Know It's Over è un brano reinterpretato magistralmente da Jeff Buckley, la cui versione è contenuta nell'album So Real: Songs from Jeff Buckley pubblicato nel 2007. Si tratta di una compilation postuma dedicata all'artista californiano, realizzata per omaggiarlo in occasione dei dieci anni dalla scomparsa. La registrazione risale al 1995 ma il brano è del 1985, quando fu composto e inciso dalla band inglese The Smiths; una delle cover più belle di sempre grazie al suo minimalismo inconfondibile.
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