Last Goodbye
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Last Goodbye: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LA DO SOL RE LA DO SOL RE LA DO SOL RE LA DO SOL RE LA SOL/RE SOL7+/RE SOL/RE SOL7+/RE SOL/RE SOL7+/RE SOL/RE SOL7+/RE FA#m7/4 LAm7 SOL SOLadd9/SI FA#m7/4 LAm7 SOL SOLadd9/SI FA#m7/4 LAm7 SOL SOLadd9/SI FA#m7/4 LAm7 SOL SOLadd9/SI LA9 SOL RE4 RE RE4 RE This is our last goodbye SIm LA MIm I hate to feel the love between us die SOL But it's over RE7+ Just hear this and then I'll go LA You gave me more to live for SOL SOL/RE SOL7+/RE More than you'll ever know SOL/RE SOL7+/RE SOL/RE SOL7+/RE SOL/RE SOL7+/RE RE4 RE RE4 RE This is our last embrace SIm LA SOL Must I dream and always see your face? MIm LA RE Why can't we overcome this wall? LA Baby, maybe its just SOL because you didn't know you at allREm7 DOm11 REm7 DOm11FA#m7/4 DO6 SOL SOLadd9/SI Kiss me, please kiss me FA#m7 But kiss me out of desire, DO6 SOL SOLadd9/SI babe, not consolation FA#m7/4 DO6 Oh, you know it makes me so angry SOL SOLadd9/SI 'Cause I know that in time, LA6 SOL I'll only make you cry SOL/RE SOL7+/RE This is our last goodbye... SOL/RE SOL7+/RE SOL/RE SOL7+/RE SOL/RE SOL7+/RE RE SIm LA SOL SIm LA MIm SOL Uh... SIm LA SOL RE SIm7 LA SOL RE Did you say, "No, this can't happen to me" SIm7 LA SOL Did you rush to the phone to call RE SOLadd9/SI Was there a voice unkind LA SOL in the back of your mind MIm7 SIm LAm7 SOL Saying maybe you didn't DOadd9/MI know him at all SOL You didn't know him at all, FA#m7/4 LAm7 SOL SOLadd9/SI oh oh, ya didn't know... FA#m7/4 LAm7 SOL SOLadd9/SI Ooo didn't know... RE RE7+ Well, the bells out in the church tower chime DO/RE SOL/RE Burning clues into this heart of mine DO/RE RE Thinking so hard on her soft eyes DO/RE RE DO/RE And the memories, offer signs that it's over RE RE7+/FA# DO6/9 Over...
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Last Goodbye: Video
Last Goodbye è un brano scritto e interpretato da Jeff Buckley, contenuto nell'album Grace pubblicato nel 1994. Disco d'esordio per il cantautore californiano, è il frutto di un interessante lavoro in sala di registrazione dove i musicisti, non conoscendosi, improvvisavano creando da zero gli arrangiamenti ed il sound. La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dall'album; la prima stesura di esso, dal titolo "Unforgiven", risale al 1990 e tale rimase fino al 1993 quando fu eseguita dal vivo per la prima volta.
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