Lover, You Should’ve Come Over
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Lover, You Should’ve Come Over: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE DOadd9 MIm RE Looking out the door DOadd9 MIm I see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners RE Parading in a wake of sad relations DOadd9 MIm As their shoes fill up with water DO#m7/5- FA#5+ FA#5+/MI And maybe I'm too young SIm RE/LA SOL To keep good love from going wrong RE DOadd9 MIm But tonight, you're on my mind so You'll never know RE I'm broken down and angry for your love DOadd9 MIm With no way to feed it RE Where are you tonight? DOadd9 MIm Child you know how much I need it DO#m7/5- FA#5+ FA#5+/MI Too young to hold on SIm RE/LA SOL FA# And too hold to just break free and run SIm MIm7 Sometimes a man gets carried away, SIm MIm7 When he feels like he should be having his fun SIm MIm7 And much too blind to see the damage he's done DOadd9 Sometimes a man must awake to find that, really, MIm FAdim He has no-one... RE/FA# SOLm6 So I'll wait for you...And I'll burn FA#m7/4 SOL6/SI Oh will I ever see your sweet return? LAadd9/DO# Oh, will I ever learn? DO7+/MI RE6 LAadd9/DO# Oh, oh, oh, lover, LAadd9 FA#m7/4 MIm MIm9 MIm7 you should've come over RE/LA DOadd9 MIm 'Cause it's not too late RE Lonely is the room, the bed is made DOadd9 MIm The open window lets the rain in RE Burning in the corner is the only one DOadd9 MIm who dreams he had you with him DO#m7/5- FA#5+ FA#5+/MI SIm RE/LA My body turns and yearns for a sleep SOL That won't ever come SOL#m7/5- RE/LA It's never over, RE DOadd9 MIm MIm9 MIm7 MIm My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder RE/LA It's never over, all my riches for her smiles RE DOadd9 MIm MIm9 MIm7 When I slept so soft against her... MIm RE/LA It's never over, RE DOadd9 MIm MIm9 MIm7 All my blood for the sweetness of her laughter MIm RE/LA It's never over, she's the tear RE DOadd9 MIm MIm9 MIm7 That hangs inside my soul forever LA9 FA#5+ FA#5+/MI Maybe I'm just too young SIm RE/LA SOL SOLm6 To keep good love from going wrong RE/FA# SOLm6 FA#m7/4 SOL6/SI LAadd9/DO# DO7+/MI RE6 LAadd9/DO# Oh, oh, oh, lover, LAadd9 FA#m7/4 MIm MIm9 MIm7 you should've come over RE/FA# SOLm6 I feel too young to hold on FA#m7/4 SOL6/SI I'm much too hold to break free and run LAadd9/DO# Too deef, dumb and blind DO7+/MI RE6 To see the damage I've done LAadd9/DO# LAadd9/SI LAadd9 FA#m7/4 MIm MIm9 MIm7 lover, you should've come over RE/FA# SOLm6 FA#m7/4 SOL6/SI Oh, love I'm waiting for you love.... LAadd9/DO# LAadd9/SI LAadd9 FA#m7/4 MIm MIm9 MIm7 lover, you should've come over RE DOadd9 MIm9 Cause it's not too late
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Lover, You Should’ve Come Over: Video
Love, You Should’ve Come Over è un brano scritto e interpretato dal grande Jeff Buckley, contenuto nel suo unico album Grace pubblicato nel 1994. Disco che riscosse grande successo a livello internazionale aggiudicandosi oltre due milioni e mezzo di copie vendute e ottime recensioni da parte della critica musicale. La canzone è un'interessante ballata blues in 12/8, uno degli assaggi musicali che questo grande artista avrebbe potuto regalarci ancora.
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