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Erase/Rewind: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MIm SOL SIm LA MIm SOL SIm LA |MIm SOL SIm LA 1|-0--------------------------| 2|-0--------------------------| 3|-0--------------------------| 4|-2----------0---------------| 5|-2------------2--0--2/4---0-| 6|-0----0-2-3-----------------| |MIm SOL SIm LA 1|-----------------------| 2|-----------------------| 3|-----------------------| 4|-------0---------------| 5|---------2-0-2-0-2/4-0-| 6|-0-2-3-----------------| | MIm SOL SIm LA 1|-0--------------------------| 2|-0--------------------------| 3|-0--------------------------| 4|-2----------0---------------| 5|-2------------2--0--2/4---0-| 6|-0----0-2-3-----------------| | MIm SOL SIm LA 1|-----------------------| 2|-----------------------| 3|-----------------------| 4|-------0---------------| 5|---------2-0-2-0-2/4-0-| 6|-0-2-3-----------------| | SOL SOL/FA# MIm 1|------------0-| 2|------------0-| 3|------------0-| 4|------0---0-2-| 5|-----0---0 -2-| 6|-2-3----2---0-| MIm SIm LA MIm SIm Hey, what did you hear me say LA MIm SIm You know the difference it makes LA SOL SOL/FA# MI5 What did you hear me say MIm SIm LA MIm SIm Yes, I said it's fine before LA MIm SIm But I don't think so no more LA SOL SOL/FA# MI5 I said it's fine before LA7 I've changed my mind RE SOL I take it back MIm SOL SIm Erase and rewind LA MIm SOL SIm Cause I've been changing my mind LA MIm SOL SIm Erase and rewind LA MIm SOL SIm Cause I've been changing my mind LA SOL SOL/FA# MI5 I've changed my mind MIm SIm LA MIm SIm So where did you see me go LA MIm SIm It's not the right way, you know LA SOL SOL/FA# MI5 Where did you see me go MIm SIm LA MIm SIm No, it's not that I don't know LA MIm SIm I just don't want it to grow LA SOL SOL/FA# MI5 It's not that I don't know LA7 I've changed my mind RE SOL I take it back MIm SOL SIm Erase and rewind LA MIm SOL SIm Cause I've been changing my mind LA MIm SOL SIm Erase and rewind LA MIm SOL SIm Cause I've been changing my mind MIm SOL SIm Erase and rewind LA MIm SOL SIm Cause I've been changing my mind LA MIm SOL SIm Erase and rewind LA MIm SOL SIm Cause I've been changing my mind MIm SOL SIm LA MIm SOL SIm Erase and rewind LA MIm SOL SIm LA MIm SOL SIm Erase and rewind LA RE I've changed my mind
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Erase/Rewind: Video
Erase/Rewind è la seconda traccia e secondo singolo estratto di Gran Turismo, quarto album dei Cardigans uscito nel 1998. Scritta dal duo Svensson-Persson, è stata utilizzata nel film Mai Stata Baciata e per i titoli di chiusura del film Il Tredicesimo Piano (entrambi 1999). Il videoclip, diretto dallo svedese Adam Berg, contiene numerosi riferimenti a 2001: Odissea Nello Spazio, il film di Stanley Kubrick del 1968.
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