Red Flags
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Red Flags: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!SOLm FA/SOL The date started off so well MIb7+/SOL SOLm6+ Begin my night not expecting the fright of my life SOLm7 She was perfect from what I could tell SOLm SOLm6+ How could I not see the danger right in front of me? SOLm My favorite food is fish FA/SOL Baby, that's my favorite too SOLm6+ I love cartoon dogs Baby, I love Scooby Doo SOLm MIb7+/SOL Hey girl, what's your favorite film? SOLm She said, the best movie of all SOLm6+ A masterpiece of art called SOLm Human Centipede LAm7 Human Centipede RE I think that I'm gonna get murdered tonight SOLm7 Human Centipede LAm7 Not ironically RE She said, "The costume design was a highlight" SOLm7 I like it for the plot LAm7/4 Tell me what the plot's about RE German doctor sews three people Ass to mouth Cool SOLm Human Centipede LAm Please, God, save me RE I think that's a red flag I don't want to get stabbedRE5 She said, "Human Centipede is a tour de force" FA5 RE5 I think, "Holy shit, I'm gonna be the main course" She said, "I admire the narrative of character growth" FA5 I try to get the waiter's attention by blinking in Morse code REm Why are you blinking so much? REm/DO# I've got something in my eye FA/DO Here, let me get it out SIm7/5- No thank you, I don't wanna die SIb LA Bonjour, sir was blinking at me SOL#dim Is this because your date is a freak? No LA Very good then, bon appétit SOLm FA Stop hiding behind your silly made up red flag SOLm7 To not take a chance FA on the best relationship you never had SOLm7 FA/LA Maybe you're right and I'm looking for excuses SIb My heart's got bruises DO7/4 but I'm ready to choose this love SOLm7/4 FA You could be my world, the love of my life SOLm7 FA One day we'll get married and be husband and wife SOLm7 With a tasteful ceremony, FA/LA and the wedding of our dreams SIb DO11 Only if the wedding is themed... Tell me what the theme's gonna beSOLm Human Centipede LAm7 Human Centipede RE That way we could save on the catering bill SOLm Human Centipede LAm7 Only one mouth to feed RE If you are the best man You know the deal (pucker up) SOLm7 LAm7 I can finally open myself up to love RE I can finally sew a mouth to a butt SOLm7 Human Centipede LAm7 RE Human Centipede
Autore: Tom CardyGenerato su Accordi e Spartiti -
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Red Flags: Video
Red Flags è un brano scritto e interpretato da Tom Cardy, contenuto nell'album Big Dumb Idiot pubblicato nel 2022. Secondo progetto discografico per l'artista australiano, viene realizzato sull'onda del successo riscosso con l'EP Artificial Intelligence che proponeva il suo particolare stile di "Comedy music". La canzone è l'unico singolo estratto dal disco e vede la partecipazione della connazionale Jessica Alyssa Cerro, in arte Montaigne.
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