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Through the Rain: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: LAb MIb/SOL FAm MIb REb LAb/DO SIbm7 MIb11 MIb LAb FAm7 When you get caught in the rain REb LAb/DO SIbm7 LAb With no--where to run MIb/LAb When you're distraught FAm7 REb LAb/DO SIbm LAb And in pain without a------ny---one MIb/LAb FAm7 When you keep crying out to be saved REb LAb/DO SIbm LAb But no--bo-----dy comes MIb/LAb FAm7 And you feel so far away REb LAb/DO SIbm FAm DO7/4 DO7 That you just can't find your way home FAm SIb9 SIb7 SIbm7 You can get there alone, it's okay MIb11 MIb/SOL Once you say... LAb MIb/SOL FAm7 I can make it through the rain MIb REb7+ I can stand up once again LAbadd9/DO SIbm7 On my own and I know MIb11 LAb That I'm strong enough to mend MIb/SOL FAm7 And every time I feel afraid MIbm7 LAb7 REb7+ I hold tighter to my faith LAbadd9/DO FAm7 SIbm7 And I live one more day MIb11 MIb LAb MIb/SOL FAm7 MIb And I make it through the rain REb7+ LAb/DO FAm7 SIbm7 MIb11 MIb LAb MIb/LAb FAm7 And if you keep falling down REb LAb/DO SIbm7 LAb Don't you dare give in MIb/LAb FAm7 You will arise safe and sound REb LAb/DO SIbm7 FAm DO7/4 DO7 So keep pres---sing on steadfastly FAm SIb9 SIb7 SIbm7 And you'll find what you need to prevail MIb11 MIb/SOL Once you say LAb MIb/SOL FAm7 I can make it through the rain MIb REb7+ I can stand up once again LAbadd9/DO SIbm7 On my own and I know MIb11 LAb That I'm strong enough to mend MIb/SOL FAm7 And every time I feel afraid MIbm7 LAb7 REb7+ I hold tighter to my faith LAbadd9/DO FAm7 SIbm7 And I live one more day MIb11 DO7/MI FAm And I make it through the rain MIb6 And when the wind blows And shadows grow close SIbm7 LAbadd9/DO Don't be afraid DO7 SIb7/RE DO7/MI FAm There's nothing you can't face MIb6 And should they tell you You'll never pull through SIbm7 LAbadd9/DO Don't hesitate REbadd9 MIb11 FA#11 FA#7 Stand tall and sa---------------y
SI FA#/LA# SOL#m7 I can make it through the rain FA# MI7+ I can stand up once again SIadd9/RE# DO#m7 On my own and I know FA#11 SI That I'm strong enough to mend LA#m7 RE#7 SOL#m7 And every time I feel afraid DO#9 FA#m7 SI11 MI7+ I hold tighter to my faith SIadd9/RE# SOL#m7 DO#m7 And I live one more day FA#11 FA# SI And I make it through the rain LA#m7/4 RE#7 SO#m7 DO#9 I can make it through the rain FA#m7 SI11 MI7+ And stand up once again SIadd9/RE# SOL#m7 DO#m7 And I'll live one more day, and I FA#11 FA# SI SOL#m7 FA# I can make it through the rain... MI7+ SIadd9/RE# SOL#m7 Oh, yes you can... DO#m7 MI/FA# FA# Oh, you're gonna make it through the SIadd9 ...Rain
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Through the Rain: Video

Through the Rain è un brano scritto e interpretato da Mariah Carey, contenuto nell'album Charmbracelet pubblicato nel 2002. Nono disco di inediti per l'artista statunitense, viene realizzato dopo la sua prova da attrice nel film "Scelte d'onore - Wise girls" diretto da David Anspaugh. La canzone è la traccia d'apertura dell'album nonché il primo singolo da esso estratto; scritta insieme a Lionel Cole, è un'intensa ballata pop dal sound R&B e un certo gusto melodico.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).