I’m Easy
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I’m Easy: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: REm7/9 LAm6+/9 LAm7/9 LAm REm7 SOL It's not my way to love you just DO7+ when no one's looking REm7/9 SOL DO7+ It's not my way to take your hand if I'm not sure REm7/9 SOL It's not my way to let you see DO7+ FA7+ what's going on inside of me REm7/9 When it's a love you won't be needing, SOL you're not free REm7 SOL Please stop pulling at my sleeve DO7+ if you're just playing REm7 If you won't take the things SOL DO7+ you make me want to give REm7 SOL I never cared too much for games DO7+ FA7+ and this one's driving me insane REm7 SOL You're not half as free to wander as you claim DO But I'm easy REm7 I'm easy MIm7 Give the word and I'll play your game FA7+ FA/SOL So that's how it ought to be DO DO7+ Because I'm easy REm7 SOL Don't lead me on if there's nowhere DO7+ for you to take me REm7 SOL DO7+ If loving you would have to be a sometime thing REm7 SOL I can't put bars on my insides DO7+ FA7+ My love is something I can't hide REm7 SOL It still hurts when I recall the times I've cried DO But I'm easy REm7 I'm easy MIm7 Take my hand and pull me down FA7+ FA/SOL I won't put up any fight DO DO7+ Because I'm easy REm7 Don't do me favors, SOL DO7+ let me watch you from a distance REm7 'Cause when you're near, SOL DO7+ I find it hard to keep my head REm7/9 SOL And when your eyes throw light at mine DO7+ FA7+ It's enough to change my mind REm7 SOL Make me leave my cautious words and ways behind DO That's why I'm easy REm7 Ya, I'm easy MIm7 Say you want me, I'll come running FA7+ FA/SOL Without taking time to think DO Because I'm easy REm7 Ya, I'm easy MIm7 Take my hand and pull me down FA7+ FA/SOL I won't put up any fight DO Because I'm easy REm7 Ya, I'm easy MIm7 Give the word, I'll play your game FA7+ FA/SOL So that's how it ought to be DO7+ Because I'm easy
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I’m Easy: Video
I'm Easy è un brano scritto e interpretato da Keith Carradine, contenuto nell'album omonimo pubblicato nel 1976. Disco d'esordio per l'artista californiano, viene realizzato sulla scia del successo riscosso come attore (così come sarebbe successo anche ai suoi fratelli), a inizio anni Settanta dapprima come attore teatrale poi nei musical ed infine al cinema. Il testo ha come protagonista un autentico rubacuori, una sorta di Don Giovanni statunitense che fa innamorare le ragazze con l'aiuto della sua musica. Una canzone che vinse il Premio Oscar nel 1976 per la colonna sonora del film "Nashville".
Articoli correlati
In realtà il testo parla di un ragazzo che ha una relazione con una donna sposata e soffre per il fatto di dover mantenere il rapporto clandestino, ma è disposto ad accettare qualsiasi cosa per amore.
4 Marzo 2024 alle 09:40