I See a Darkness
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I See a Darkness: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SIb FA SIb FA REm FA Well, you're my friend SIb FA SIb And can you see REm Many times we've been out drinking DO SIb Many times we've shared our thoughts REm But did you ever, ever notice DO SIb The kind of thoughts I got? LAm REm Well, you know I have a love SIb A love for everyone I know LAm REm And you know I have a drive DO SIb To live, I won't let go REm But can you see this opposition SIb Comes rising up sometimes? REm That it's dreadful imposition SIb Comes blacking in my mind FA And then I see a darkness SIb And then I see a darkness FA And then I see a darkness SIb And then I see a darkness FA Did you know how much I love you? SIb Is a hope that somehow you FA FA4 FA Can save me from this darkness REm Well, I hope that someday, buddy FA We have peace in our lives REm Together or apart FA Alone or with our wives REm And we can stop our whoring SIb And pull the smiles inside FA And light it up forever LAm And never go to sleep DO My best unbeaten brother LAm SIb This isn't all I see FA Oh no, I see a darkness SIb Oh no, I see a darkness FA Oh no, I see a darkness SIb Oh no, I see a darkness FA Did you know how much I love you? SIb Is a hope that somehow you FA Can save me from this darkness
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I See a Darkness: Video
I See a Darkness è un brano reinterpretato magistralmente da Johnny Cash, la cui versione è contenuta nell'album American III: Solitary Man pubblicato nel 2000. Si tratta di un disco di cover con cui l'artista dell'Arkansas chiude il suo progetto dedicato al country-rock statunitense aggiudicandosi pure un bel Grammy Award! La canzone è del 1999 ed è opera del cantautore Will Oldham, in arte Bonnie "Prince" Billy, che la incise per il suo sesto album omonimo. Nella versione di Cash collabora lo stesso Oldham.
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