You Don’t Know Me
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You Don’t Know Me: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MIb SIb7 MIb6 SIb7 MIb MIb7+ MIb6 MIb You give your hand to me, and then, you say hello LAb LAb/MIb And I can hardly speak LAb LAm7/5- My heart is beating so MIb/SIb DO7 And anyone can tell FAm7 SIb7 You think you know me well SOL9 DO9 FAm11 SIb7 But you don't know me.... MIb MIb7+ No, you don't know the one who dreams MIb6 MIb of you each night LAb MIb And longs to kiss your lips FAm7 LAm7/5- And longs to hold you tight MIb/SIb DO7 To you, I'm just a friend FAm7 SIb7 That's all I've ever been MIb LAb/MIb MIb MIb7 No, you don't know me LAb6 LAm7/5- MIb/SIb DO7 FAm7 I never knew the art of making love SIb7 MIb Though, my heart aches with love for you, yeah DOm SOLm DO9 I'm afraid and shy, I let my chance go by FA9 SIb7 A chance that you might love me too... MIb MIb7+ MIb6 MIb You give your hand to me, and then, you say goodbye LAb MIb And then, I watched you walk away FAm7 LAm7/5- beside the lucky guy MIb/SIb DO7 FAm7 SIb7 I know you'll never know the one who loved you so MIb6 LAb/MIb MIb MIb7 No, you don't know me LAb6 LAm7/5- MIb7+ DO9 But, I never knew the art of making love FAm7 SIb7 MIb Though, my heart aches with love for you DOm SOLm DO9 I'm afraid and shy, and I let your chance go by FA9 SIb7 SI7 A chance that you might love me too...MI MI7+ You give your hand to me MI6 MI And then you say goodbye MI7 LA And I watched you walk away beside the lucky guy LA#m7/5- MI/SI DO#7 Oh, you'll never ever know FA#m7 SI7 the one who loved you so MI RE6/9 Well you don't know me... DO7+ RE6/9 you don't know me MI6/9 you don't know me
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You Don’t Know Me: Video
You Don't Know Me è un brano interpretato e inciso dal grande Ray Charles, nato Ray Charles Robinson, contenuto nell'album Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music pubblicato nel 1962. Disco che il musicista della Georgia realizza insieme a Sid Feller, propone brani di estrazione prettamente folk in uno stile R&B e jazz. La canzone, seconda del lato A, proviene dal country e fu scritta nel 1955 da Eddy Arnold e Cindy Walker; la versione di Ray divenne assai più nota!
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