Let’s Twist Again
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Let’s Twist Again: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!...Come on everybody clap your hands Ah, you're looking good I'm gonna sing my song and you won't take long We're gonna do the twist and it goes like this SIb7 MIb DOm Come on let's twist again like we did last summer LAb SIb Yeah, let's twist again like we did last year MIb DOm Do you remember when things were really hummin'? LAb SIb9 MIb Yeah, let's twist again, twistin' time is here LAb MIb Round 'n around 'n up 'n down we go again LAb SIb Oh baby make me know you love me so and then MIb DOm Twist again like we did last summer LAb SIb MIb Come on twist again, like we did last year MIb DOm LAb SIb (Twist, yow) MIb Who's that, flyin' up there? DOm Is it a bird? No LAb SIb Is it a plane? No MIb Is it the twister? Yeah SIb7 MIb DOm Yeah, twist again like we did last summer LAb SIb Come on let's twist again, like we did last year MIb DOm Do you remember when things were really hummin'? LAb SIb9 MIb Come on let's twist again, twistin' time is here LAb MIb Round 'n around 'n up 'n down we go again LAb SIb Oh baby make me know you love me so and then MIb DOm Come on twist again like we did last summer LAb SIb9 MIb Girl, let's twist again, like we did last year LAb SIb7 MIb Come on twist again, twistin' time is here
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Let’s Twist Again: Video
Let's Twist Again è un brano celeberrimo interpretato e inciso da Ernest Evans, al secolo Chubby Checker, pubblicato come singolo nel 1961. Canzone diventata il simbolo di quella decade, nasceva sulla scia di un nuovo ballo che stava imperversando negli Stati Uniti e di lì a poco anche in Europa: il Twist! Scritta da Kal Mann e Dave Appell, fa riferimento alla primogenita di questo nuovo ritmo The Twist, incisa l'anno precedente da un'altro rocker afroamericano: Hank Ballard.
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