Always on Your Side
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Always on Your Side: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SIb/FA FA SIb/FA FA SIb/FA FA SIb/FA FA My yesterdays are all boxed up and neatly put away REm FA/DO SOL/SI But every now and then you come to mind SIb FA/LA 'Cause you were always waiting REm SOL7 to be picked to play the game SIb But when your name was called, DO REm FA/DO you found a place to hide SIb DO4 DO SIb/FA FA When you knew that I was always on your side SIb/FA FA SIb/FA FA Well everything was easy then, SIb/FA FA so sweet and innocent REm REm/DO SOL/SI But my demons and my angels reappeared SIb FA REm Leavin' all the traces of the man SOL7 you thought I'd be SIb DO4 DO REm REm/DO Too afraid to hear the words I'd always feared SIb DO4 Leavin' you with all these questions DO FA4 FA SIb/FA FA all these years REm But is there someplace far away, LA/DO# someplace where all is clear FA/DO SOL Easy to start over with the ones you hold so dear SIb MIb Or are you left to wonder, all alone, eternally SOLm7 FA/LA SIbadd9 This isn't how it's really meant to be SOLm7 DO4 DO No it isn't how it's really meant to be SIb/FA FA Well they say that love is in the air SIb/FA FA (Love is in the air), never is it clear REm REm/DO SOL How to pull it close and make it stay SIbadd9 FA/LA But butterflies are free to fly, REm SOL7 and so they fly away SIb DO4 DO REm DO6 And I'm left to carry on and wonder why SIbadd9 DO4 DO SIb/FA FA Even through it all, I'm always on your side SIb/FA FA REm Is there someplace far away, LA7 someplace where all is clear FA/DO SOL Easy to start over with the ones you hold so dear SIbadd9 Or are you left to wonder, MIbadd9 all alone, eternally SOLm7 FA/LA SIbadd9 When this isn't how it's really meant to be FA SOLm7 DO4 DO No it isn't how it's really meant to be SIb/FA FA Well they say that love is in the air SIb/FA FA (never is it clear) REm REm/DO SOL/SI FA/LA How to pull it close and make it stay SIbadd9 FA/LA If butterflies are free to fly, REm SOL7 why do they fly away SIbadd9 DO4 DO REm REm/DO Leavin' me to carry on and wonder why SIbadd9 DO Was it you that kept me wondering REm REm/DO through this life SIbadd9 DO SIb/FA FA When you know that I was always on your side SIb/FA FA SIb DO MIbadd9 SIb FA
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Always on Your Side: Video
Always on Your Side è un brano scritto e interpretato da Sheryl Crow, contenuto nell'album Wildflower pubblicato nel 2005. Quinto lavoro in studio per la cantautrice statunitense, non ottiene inizialmente la meritata attenzione del pubblico e dei media... finché non esce come singolo questa canzone! Pubblicata l'anno seguente, infatti, risolleva le sorti dell'intero disco grazie ad un featuring d'eccezione: quello con l'artista britannico Sting; un'intensa ballata pop dal sound acustico.
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