Doin’ It Right
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Doin’ It Right: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!SOL#m7 Doing it right FA#/LA# Everybody will be dancing and we'll SIadd9 Feeling it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and be RE#m7 Doing it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and we'll be SIadd9 Feeling all right Everybody will be dancing to the SOL#m7 Doing it right FA#/LA# Everybody will be dancing and we'll SIadd9 Feeling it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and be RE#m7 Doing it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and we'll be SIadd9 Feeling all right Everybody will be dancing to the SOL#m7 Doing it right FA#/LA# Everybody will be dancing and we'll SIadd9 Feeling it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and be RE#m7 Doing it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and we'll be SIadd9 Feeling all right Everybody will be dancing to the SOL#m7 Doing it right FA#/LA# Everybody will be dancing and we'll SIadd9 Feeling it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and be RE#m7 Doing it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and we'll be SIadd9 Feeling all right Everybody will be dancing to the SOL#m7 Doing it right FA#/LA# Everybody will be dancing and we'll SIadd9 Feeling it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and be RE#m7 Doing it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and we'll be SIadd9 Feeling all right Everybody will be dancing to the SOL#m7 Doing it right FA#/LA# Everybody will be dancing and we'll SIadd9 Feeling it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and be RE#m7 Doing it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and we'll be SIadd9 Feeling all right Everybody will be dancing to the SOL#m7 FA#/LA# If you do it right SIadd9 DO# Let it go all night RE#m7 DO# Shadows on you break SIadd9 Out into the light SOL#m7 FA#/LA# If you do it right SIadd9 DO# Let it go all night RE#m7 DO# Shadows on you break SIadd9 Out into the light SOL#m7 SI If you lose your way tonight DO# RE#m DO# SI That's how you know the magic's right SOL#m7 Doing it right FA#/LA# Everybody will be dancing and we'll SIadd9 Feeling it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and be RE#m7 Doing it right DO# Everybody will be dancing and we'll be SIadd9 Feeling all right Everybody will be dancing to the SOL#m7 FA#/LA# If you do it right SIadd9 DO# Let it go all night RE#m7 DO# Shadows on you break SIadd9 Out into the light SOL#m7 FA#/LA# If you do it right SIadd9 DO# Let it go all night RE#m7 DO# Shadows on you break SIadd9 Out into the light SOL#m7 SI If you lose your way tonight DO# RE#m DO# SI That's how you know the magic's right SOL#m7 SI If you lose your way tonight DO# RE#m DO# SI That's how you know the magic's right SOL#m SI7+ RE#m SI7+ SOL#m7 If you do it right SIadd9 Let it go all night RE#m7 Shadows on you break SIadd9 Out into the light SOL#m7 If you do it right SIadd9 Let it go all night RE#m7 Shadows on you break SIadd9 Out into the light If you do it right SOL#m7 FA#/LA# If you do it right SIadd9 DO# Let it go all night RE#m7 DO# Shadows on you break SIadd9 Out into the light SOL#m7 FA#/LA# If you do it right SIadd9 DO# Let it go all night RE#m7 DO# Shadows on you break SIadd9 Out into the light SOL#m7 SI If you lose your way tonight DO# RE#m DO# SI That's how you know the magic's right SOL#m7 SI If you lose your way tonight DO# RE#m DO# SI That's how you know the magic's right SOL#m7 SI If you lose your way tonight DO# RE#m DO# SI That's how you know the magic's right SOL#m7 SI If you lose your way tonight DO# RE#m DO# SI That's how you know the magic's right
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Doin’ It Right: Video
Doin' It Right è un brano composto e realizzato dai Daft Punk, contenuto nell'album Random Access Memories pubblicato nel 2013. Quarto lavoro in studio per il duo di DJ francese, si rivela un grande successo internazionale tanto da aggiudicarsi due Grammy Awards come "Album dell'anno" e "Miglior album dance/elettronico". La canzone è il terzo singolo estratto ed è scritta insieme al produttore di Baltimora Panda Bear, il quale presta anche la sua voce da solista.
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