Holyday in Cambodia
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Holyday in Cambodia: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!LAm So you been to school For a year or two And you know you've seen it all In daddy's car Thinkin' you'll go far Back east your type don't crawl SOL Play ethnicky jazz RE To parade your snazz SOL RE On your five-grand stereo SOL Braggin' that you know RE How the niggers feel cold SOL RE And the slums got so much soul DO SOL DO LAm It's time to taste what you most fear RE DO SOL DO LAm Right Guard will not help you here REm MIm FA MIm Brace yourself, my dear… REm MIm FA SOL Brace yourself, my dear… LA DO RE It's a holiday in Cambodia LA DO RE It's tough, kid, but it's life LA DO RE It's a holiday in Cambodia LA FA LAm Don't forget to pack a wife LAm You're a star-belly sneetch You suck like a leech You want everyone to act like you Kiss ass while you bitch So you can get rich But your boss gets richer off you SOL Well you'll work harder RE With a gun in your back SOL RE For a bowl of rice a day SOL Slave for soldiers RE Till you starve SOL RE Then your head is skewered on a stake DO SOL DO LAm Now you can go where people are one RE DO SOL DO LAm Now you can go where they get things done REm MIm FA MIm What you need, my son… REm MIm FA MIm What you need, my son… LA DO RE It's a holiday in Cambodia LA DO RE It's tough, kid, but it's life LA DO RE It's a holiday in Cambodia LA FA LAm Where you'll kiss ass or crack REm DO SOL DO LAm REm DO SOL DO LAm LAm DO RE FA LAm DO RE FA LAm DO RE FA LAm DO RE FA Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot, LAm DO RE FA LAm DO RE FA Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot, LA DO RE It's a holiday in Cambodia LA DO RE It's tough, kid, but it's life LA DO RE It's a holiday in Cambodia LA FA Where the slums got so much soul LAm Pol Pot!
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Holyday in Cambodia: Video
Holyday in Cambodia è un brano inciso dai Dead Kennedys, contenuto nell'album Fresch fruit for rotting vegetables pubblicato nel 1980. Disco d'esordio per la punk band californiana, è stato un notevole successo in America ma anche in Inghilterra, influenzando la musica punk-rock delle band future. La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dal disco.
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