Kill the Poor
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Kill the Poor: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!RE Efficiency and progress is ours once more SIm Now that we have the Neutron bomb SOL LA LA4 LA It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done RE Away with excess enemy SIm But no less value to property SOL LA No sense in war but perfect sense at home: RE SIm DO SIm RE SIm DO The sun beams down on a brand new day RE SIm DO No more welfare tax to pay RE SIm DO LA Unsightly slums gone up in flashing light RE SIm DO Jobless millions whisked away RE SIm DO At last we have more room to play RE SIm DO LA All systems go to kill the poor tonight RE Gonna kill kill kill kill kill the poor SIm kill kill kill kill kill the poor SOL kill kill kill kill kill the poor LA tonight RE SIm DO SIm RE SIm DO Behold the sparkle of champagne RE SIm DO The crime rate's gone feel free again RE SIm DO LA O' life's a dream with you, Miss Lily White RE SIm DO Jane Fonda on the screen today RE SIm DO Convinced the liberals it's okay RE SIm DO LA So let's get dressed and dance away the night RE Gonna kill kill kill kill kill the poor SIm kill kill kill kill kill the poor SOL kill kill kill kill kill the poor LA tonight RE Gonna kill kill kill kill kill the poor SIm kill kill kill kill kill the poor SOL kill kill kill kill kill the poor LA tonightSOL SOL4 SOL FA FA4 FA MIm SOL SOL/FA MImRE SOL DO RE SOL DO RE SOL DO Behold the sparkle of champagne RE SOL DO The crime rate's gone feel free again RE SOL DO LA O' life's a dream with you, Miss Lily White RE SOL DO Jane Fonda on the screen today RE SOL DO Convinced the liberals it's okay RE SOL DO LA So let's get dressed and dance away the night RE Gonna kill kill kill kill kill the poor SIm kill kill kill kill kill the poor SOL kill kill kill kill kill the poor LA tonight RE Gonna kill kill kill kill kill the poor SIm kill kill kill kill kill the poor SOL kill kill kill kill kill the poor LA tonightSOL FA MIm
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Kill the Poor: Video
Kill the Poor è un brano inciso dai Dead Kennedys, contenuto nell'album Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables pubblicato nel 1980. Disco d'esordio per la band statunitense, viene considerato come uno dei capisaldi del punk made in USA. La canzone è scritta da Jello Biafra e East Bay Ray ed è una provocazione, in stile satirico, su come risolvere il problema della disoccupazione e della povertà: eleminare tutte queste persone, scarto della società, con una bella bomba ad idrogeno!
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