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Lose My Breath: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Hit me... SOL5 LAb5 Can you keep up? SOL5 Baby boy, make me lose my breath LAb5 Bring the noise, make me lose my breath SOL5 Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) LAb5 Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath DOm Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh) SOL5 LAb5 Ooh I put it right there, SOL5 LAb5 made it easy for you to get to Now you want to act SOL5 LAb5 like ya don't know what to do After I done everything that you ask me DOm Grabbed you, grind you, liked you, tried you Move so fast, baby, now I can't find you SOL5 LAb5 Ooh I'm startin' to believe SOL5 LAb5 that I'm way too much for you All that talk but it seems SOL5 LAb5 like ya can't come through All them lies like you could satisfy me DOm Now I see where believing you got me Gave you the wheel but you can't drive me SOL5 LAb5 Can you keep up? SOL5 Baby boy, make me lose my breath LAb5 Bring the noise, make me lose my breath SOL5 Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) LAb5 Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath DOm Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh) SOL5 LAb5 Ooh Two things I don't like SOL5 LAb5 when I'm tryna get my groove Is a partner that meets me SOL5 LAb5 only halfway and just can't prove Take me out so deep when you know you can't swim DOm Need a lifeguard and I need protection So put it on me deep in the right direction SOL5 LAb5 Ooh You understand the facts SOL5 LAb5 that I'm tryna give to you You're movin' so slow SOL5 LAb5 like you just don't have a clue Didn't mama teach you to give affection? DOm Learn the difference of a man and an adolescent It ain't you, boo, so get to stepping SOL5 LAb5 Can you keep up? SOL5 Baby boy, make me lose my breath LAb5 Bring the noise, make me lose my breath SOL5 Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) LAb5 Can you keep up? SOL5 Baby boy, make me lose my breath DOm Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh) SOL5 LAb5 Can you keep up? SOL5 Baby boy, make me lose my breath LAb5 Bring the noise, make me lose my breath SOL5 Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) LAb5 Can you keep up? SOL5 Baby boy, make me lose my breath DOm Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh) SOL5 LAb5 If you can't make me say ooh Like the beat of this drum SOL5 LAb5 Why you askin' for some You ain't really want none SOL5 LAb5 If you can't make me say ooh Like the beat of this groove DOm You don't have no business in this Here's your papers, baby, you are dismissed SOL5 LAb5 SOL5 LAb5 SOL5 LAb5 DOm SOL5 LAb5 Can you keep up? SOL5 Baby boy, make me lose my breath LAb5 Bring the noise, make me lose my breath SOL5 Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) LAb5 Can you keep up? SOL5 Baby boy, make me lose my breath DOm Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh) SOL5 LAb5 Can you keep up? SOL5 Baby boy, make me lose my breath LAb5 Bring the noise, make me lose my breath SOL5 Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) LAb5 Can you keep up? SOL5 Baby boy, make me lose my breath DOm Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh) SOL5 LAb5 SOL5 LAb5 SOL5 LAb5 DOm
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Lose My Breath: Video

Lose My Breath è un brano composto e inciso dalle Destiny's Child, contenuto nell'album Destiny Fulfilled pubblicato nel 2004. Quarto disco di inediti per il trio femminile, si rivela il loro ultimo progetto insieme... dando il via alla gloriosa carriera da solista di Beyoncé. La canzone è la traccia d'apertura dell'album nonché il primo singolo estratto, il cui testo mette in scena una relazione sentimentale da togliere il fiato!


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).