Love on the Rocks
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Love on the Rocks: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LAm FA SI7 MI7 LAm FA Love on the rocks ain't no surprise SOL Pour me a drink, MIm And I'll tell you some lies FA Got nothing to lose, SI7 MI MI7 So you just sing the blues, all the time LAm FA Gave you my heart, gave you my soul SOL You left me alone here MIm7 With nothing to hold FA Yesterday's gone SI7 MI MI/RE MI/DO# MI7/SI Now all I want is a smileLA First they say they want you LA7+ How they really need you SOL/LA Suddenly you find you're out there RE/LA FA SOL Walking in a storm LA When they know they have you LA7+ SOL/LA Then they really have you RE/LA REm/LA Nothing you can do or say, LA You've got to leave, just get away SOL7 MI7 We all know the songLAm LAm/SOL You need what you need FA You can say what you want SOL SOL/FA Not much you can do MIm7 When the feeling is gone FA May be blue skies above, SI7 But it's cool MI MI/RE MI/DO# MI7/SI When your love's on the rocksLA First they say they want you LA7+ How they really need you SOL/LA Suddenly you find you're out there RE/LA FA SOL Walking in a storm LA When they know they have you LA7+ SOL/LA Then they really have you RE/LA REm/LA Nothing you can do or say, LA You've got to leave, just get away SOL7 MI7 We all know the songLAm LAm/SOL Love on the rocks FA Ain't no big surprise SOL Just pour me a drink SOL/FA MIm And I'll tell you my lies FA Yesterday 's gone SI7 MI MI7 LAm Now all I want is a smile...
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Love on the Rocks: Video
Love on the Rocks è un brano scritto e interpretato da Neil Diamond, contenuto nell'album The Jazz Singer pubblicato nel 1980; disco che il cantautore di New York realizza per diventare, poi, la colonna sonora integrale del film omonimo diretto dal concittadino Richard Fleischer. C'è da dire, inoltre, che Neil non si limita a firmare le musiche del film ma ne diventa persino il protagonista nel ruolo di Jess Robin. Musica e parole sono scritte insieme al musicista francese Gilbert Bécaud.
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