Sand in My Shoes
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Sand in My Shoes: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO#m SOL#m FA# MIadd9 SIadd9 MIadd9 Two weeks away it feels like the whole world should've changed SIadd9 But I'm home now And things still look the same MIadd9 I think I'll leave it till tomorrow to unpack SIadd9 Try to forget for one more night MIadd9 That I'm back in my flat on the road Where the cars never stop going through the night SIadd9 To a life where I can't watch the sunset DO#m7 I don't have time SOL#m FA# I don't have time DO#m7 SI I've still got sand in my shoes FA# And I can't shake the thought of you DO#m7 SI I should get on, forget you FA# DO#m7 But why would I want to I know we said goodbye SI FA# Anything else would've been confused MIadd9 SI FA# but I wanna see you again MIadd9 Tomorrow's back to work and down to sanitation SIadd9 Run a bath and then clear up the mess I made before I left here MIadd9 Try to remind myself that I was happy here SIadd9 Before I knew that I could get on the plane and fly away MIadd9 From the road where the cars never stop going through the night SIadd9 To a life where I can watch the sunset DO#m7 And take my time SOL#m FA# Take all our time DO#m7 SI I've still got sand in my shoes FA# And I can't shake the thought of you DO#m7 SI I should get on, forget you FA# DO#m7 But why would I want to I know we said goodbye SI FA# Anything else would've been confused MIadd9 SI FA# but I wanna see you again MIadd9 SI FA# I wanna see you again.... DO#m SI/DO# Two weeks away, all it takes to change FA#/DO# and turn me around I've fallen DO#m I walked away and never said SOL#m/DO# FA#/DO that I wanted to see you again DO#m7 SI I've still got sand in my shoes FA# And I can't shake the thought of you DO#m7 SI I should get on, forget you FA# DO#m7 But why would I want to I know we said goodbye SI FA# Anything else would've been confused MIadd9 SI FA# but I wanna see you again MIadd9 SI FA# I wanna see you again.... MIadd9 SI FA# I wanna see you again
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Sand in My Shoes: Video
Sand in My Shoes è un brano scritto e interpretato da Florian Cloud de Bounevialle O'Malley Armstrong, meglio conosciuta come Dido, contenuto nell'album Life for Rent pubblicato nel 2003. Secondo disco di inediti per la cantautrice londinese, conferma la linea stilistica dell'esordio con ballate pop-folk di stampo cantautorale. La canzone è il quarto singolo estratto dall'album ed è scritta insieme a Rick Nowels; si mostra perfetta per essere accompagnata con la chitarra, buon divertimento!
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