Peace Frog
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Peace Frog: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SOL5 SOL5 DO SOL5 SOL5 SOL5 DO There's blood in the streets it's up SOL5 DO to my ankles, SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Blood in the streets it's up to my knee SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Blood in the streets, the town of Chicago SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Blood on the rise, it's following me SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Just about the break of dayMIm SOL She came, then she drove away, FA#m LA Sunlight in her hairSOL5 DO SOL5 DO Blood on the streets runs a river of sadness SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Blood in the streets, it's up to my thigh SOL5 DO SOL5 DO The river runs down the legs of the city SOL5 DO SOL5 DO The women are crying red rivers of weepingMIm SOL She came in town and then she drove away, FA#m LA SOL# SI Sunlight in her hairMImSOLm7 DO SOLm7 DO SOLm7 DO SOLm7 DO SOLm7 DO SOLm7 DORE4 MIm SOL7 Indians scattered on dawn's highway LA5 MIb Bleeding ghosts crowd the young childs DO RE7 fragile eggshell mindSOL5 DO Blood in the streets of the SOL5 DO town of New Haven SOL5 DO Blood stains the roofs and the SOL5 DO palm trees of Venice SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Blood in my love in the terrible summer SOL5 DO SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Bloody red sun of fantastic L.A. SOL5 DO Blood screams her brain as they chop SOL5 DO off her fingers SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Blood will be born in the birth of a nation SOLm7 DO SOLm7 DO SOLm7 DO Blood is the rose of mysterious union SOL5 DO There's blood in the streets it's up SOL5 DO to my ankles, SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Blood in the streets it's up to my knee SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Blood in the streets, the town of Chicago SOL5 DO SOL5 DO Blood on the rise, it's following me
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Peace Frog: Video
Peace Frog è un brano composto e inciso dal gruppo The Doors, contenuto nell'album Morrison Hotel pubblicato nel 1970. Quinta fatica discografica per la rock band di Los Angeles, segna il loro ritorno alle sonorità rock-blues degli esordi anche se con le interessanti influenze jazzistiche di Ray Manzarek. La canzone è la quarta traccia del lato A e porta le firme di Jim Morrison e Robby Krieger; il testo prende spunto da un evento dell'infanzia di Morrison, quando vide un indicente stradale in cui era coinvolto un gruppo di nativi americani.
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