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Did You Hear the Rain?: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: REm REm Oh, did you hear the thunder Or the rain? SIb SIb/LA REm Means I'm coming home again SIb SIb/LA REm Means I'm coming home my friend Oh, did you steal my name? Oh, you Jack of all trades SIb SIb/LA REm You're the ma--ster of none SIb SIb/LA REm Oh, the race has begun SIb REm I was born a champion SIb SIb/LA REm I was born to jump and run SIb SIb/LA FA Oh, did you hear the rain? DO DO/MI SIb Oh, the rain, woo SIb/LA REm You can try and run and hide SIb SIb/LA REm Tearing at the chain SOLm SIb6 REm Oh, Luci-fer's inside Oh, did your siblings tell you I was wasting up your time? SIb SIb/LA REm Oh, now you're wasting mine SIb SIb/LA REm You put me back in line SIb SIb/LA REm And I'm counting every link SIb SIb/LA REm And I guess you think that's fine SIb SIb/LA FA Oh, did you hear the rain? DO DO/MI SIb Oh, the rain, woo SIb/LA REm You can try and run and hide SIb SIb/LA REm Tearing at the chain SOLm SIb6 REm Oh, Luci-fer's inside Oh, did I send a shiver Down your spine? SIb SIb/LA REm Well, I do it all the time SIb SIb/LA REm It's a little trick of mine SOLm REm Did I make you shake your knees? SOLm REm Did I make him spill his wine? SIb SIb/LA REm Lord, I'm spreading like disease SIb SIb/LA REm Lord, I'm all up in your mind SOLm REm Oh, Lucifer's inside SOLm REm Oh, Lucifer's inside SIb SIb/LA FA Oh, did you hear the rain? DO DO/MI SIb Oh, the rain, woo SIb/LA REm You can try and run and hide SIb SIb/LA REm Tearing at the chain SIb SIb/LA REm Means I'm coming home again SIb SIb/LA REm Means I'm coming home my friend SOLm SIb6 REm Oh, Luci-fer's inside SOLm SIb6 REm Oh, Luci-fer's inside SOLm SIb6 Luci-fer's inside
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Did You Hear the Rain?: Video

Did You Hear the Rain? è un brano scritto e interpretato da George Ezra, all'anagrafe George Ezra Barnett, contenuto nell'album Wanted on Voyage pubblicato nel 2014. Disco d'esordio per il cantautore britannico, si rivela un grandissimo successo in tutta Europa e solo in patria si aggiudica oltre un milione di copie! La canzone è la settima traccia dell'album, un'intensa ballata pop-rock dal sound corposo ed energico dove la chitarra elettrica gioco un ruolo fondamentale.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).