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Falling to Pieces: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: LA7 LA5 SOL5 Back and forth, I sway with the wind LA5 SOL5 Resolution slips away again LA5 SOL5 Right through my fingers, back into my heart LA5 Where it's out of reach and it's in the dark RE Sometimes I think I'm blind Or I may be just paralyzed LA5 Because the plot thickens every day SOL5 And the pieces of my puzzle keep crumblin' away LA5 But I know There's a picture beneath MI RE MI RE Indecision clouds my vision MI RE No one listens MI LA RE MI Because I'm somewhere in between LA RE MI My love and my a--go-ny LA RE MI You see, I'm somewhere in between SOL My life is falling to pieces LA5 Somebody put me together LA SOL Layin' face down on the ground LA SOL My fingers in my ears to block the sound LA My eyes shut tight to avoid the sight SOL LA Anticipating the end, losing the will to fight RE Droples of "yes" and "no" In an ocean of "maybe" LA From the bottom, it looks like a steep incline From the top, another downhill slope of mine But I know, the equilibrium's there MI RE MI RE Indecision clouds my vision MI RE No one listens MI LA RE MI Because I'm somewhere in between LA RE MI My love and my a--go-ny LA RE MI You see, I'm somewhere in between SOL My life is falling to pieces LA5 Somebody put me together LA7 LA SOL Back and forth, I sway with the wind LA SOL Resolution slips away again LA SOL Right through my fingers, back into my heart LA Where it's out of reach and it's in the dark RE Sometimes I think I'm blind Or I may be just paralyzed LA Because the plot thickens every day SOL And the pieces of my puzzle keep crumblin' away LA But I know, there's a picture beneath MI RE MI RE Indecision clouds my vision MI RE No one listens MI RE LA RE MI Because I'm somewhere in between LA RE MI My love and my a--go-ny LA RE MI You see, I'm somewhere in between SOL My life is falling to pieces LA Somebody put me together RE MI In between RE LA RE MI My love and my a--go-ny LA RE MI You see, I'm somewhere in between SOL My life is falling to pieces LA Somebody put me together RE MI In between LA RE MI Somebody put me together In between LA RE MI Somebody put me together... SOL LA5 LA7
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Falling to Pieces: Video

Falling to Pieces è un brano composto e inciso dai Faith No More, contenuto nell'album The Real Thing pubblicato nel 1989. Terzo disco di inediti per la band di San Francisco, vede l'entrata in formazione del cantante Mike Patton aprendo così il loro sound ad altri generi come il funk, il rap, il soul. La canzone è il terzo singolo estratto ed uno dei pezzi "traino" dell'intero album; degno di nota è il videoclip in cui il frontman veste i panni del celebre Alex DeLarge di "Arancia meccanica".


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).