Let’s Fall in Love for the Night
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Let’s Fall in Love for the Night: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!SOLm Let's fall in love for the night DO REm7 And forget in the mornin' SOLm Play me a song that you like DO FA7+ You can bet I'll know every line SOLm I'm the boy that your boy hoped DO that you would avoid FA7+ Don't waste your eyes on jealous guys, REm7 fuck that noise SOLm DO FA I know better than to call you mine SOLm DO You need a pick me up? REm I'll be there in twenty five SOLm DO I like to push my luck FA So take my hand, let's take a drive LA7 SOLm DO I've been livin' in the futu----re FA REm Hopin' I might see you sooner SOLm I want you, riding shotgun DO I knew when I got one right SOLm Let's fall in love for the night DO REm9 REm7+ And forget in the mornin' SOLm Play me a song that you like DO FA You can bet I'll know every line SOLm I'm the boy that your boy hoped DO that you would avoid FA Don't waste your eyes on jealous guys, REm fuck that noise SOLm DO FA I know better than to call you mine SOLm DO I love it when you talk that nerdy shit REm We're in our twenties talking thirties shit SOLm DO We're making money but we're savin' it FA 'Cause talking shit is cheap LA and we talk a lot of it SOLm DO You won't stay with me, I know FA REm But you can have your way with me until you go SOLm And before your kisses DO LA7/9- turn into bruises, I'm a warning SOLm Let's fall in love for the night DO REm And forget in the mornin' SOLm Play me a song that you like DO FA LA You can bet I'll know every line SOLm I'm the boy that your boy hoped DO that you would avoid FA Don't waste your eyes on jealous guys, REm fuck that noise SOLm DO I know better SOLm DO I know better SOLm DO DO7 FA7+ I know better than to ever call you mine
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Let’s Fall in Love for the Night: Video
Let's Fall in Love for the Night è un brano scritto e interpretato da Finneas, all'anagrafe Finneas O'Connell, contenuto nel EP Blood Harmony pubblicato nel 2019. Primo disco di inediti per il cantautore di Los Angeles, viene realizzato a quattro anni di distanza dalla sua ultima esperienza di gruppo con i "The Slightlys". La canzone è il primo singolo estratto, una vivace ballata pop in cui viene messa in scena una storia d'amore ideale e forse utopistica: quando la realtà lascia spazio alla fantasia!
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