What’s Left of the Flag
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What’s Left of the Flag: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!SOL DO SOL His eyes they close and his last breath spoke MIm He had seen all to be seen SOL A life once full DO SOL Now an empty vase RE SOL Wilt the blossoms on his early grave DO SOL Walk away me boy walk away me boy MIm RE And my morning we'll be free SOL DO SOL Wipe that golden tear from your mother dear RE SOL And raise what's left of the flag for me SOL Then the rosary beads count to one, two, three MIm Fell apart as they hit the floor SOL DO SOL In a garb of black we must pay respect RE SOL To the color we were born to mourn DO SOL Walk away me boy walk away me boy MIm RE And my morning we'll be free SOL DO SOL Wipe that golden tear from your mother dear RE SOL And raise what's left of the flag for me SOL DO SOL MIm SOL DO SOL RE SOL SOL DO SOL In a spiked ruin an angry festered wound MIm Full of hatred and remorse SOL DO SOL Where I pick and scratch at the blooded mess RE SOL Silent rage that now fills my lungs DO SOL For there are many ways to kill a man they say MIm With bayonet, axe or sword SOL DO SOL But son a bullet fired from a shapeless gun RE SOL Just put the shell of a thompson gun DO SOL Walk away me boy walk away me boy MIm RE And my morning we'll be free SOL DO SOL Wipe that golden tear from your mother dear RE SOL And raise what's left of the flag for me SOL DO SOL MIm SOL DO SOL RE SOL MIm RE From the east out to the western shore MIm RE Where many men and many more will fall DO SOL But no angel flies with me tonight MIm RE Though freedom reigns on all SOL DO SOL And curse the name for which we slaved our days RE SOL So every men chose kingdom come LA RE LA FA#m LA RE LA MI LA RE LA RE MI LA RE LA MI LA SOL DO SOL But sure as night turns day it's the fashion play MIm Oh my god what have they done SOL DO SOL With madmen rage well the dogged craze RE SOL But the dead rise again you fools DO SOL Walk away me boy walk away me boy MIm RE And my morning we'll be free SOL DO SOL Wipe that golden tear from your mother dear RE SOL And raise what's left of the flag for me DO SOL Walk away me boy walk away me boy MIm RE And my morning we'll be free... SOL DO SOL Wipe that golden tear from your mother dear And raise what's left of the flag for me SOL DO SOL RE SOL
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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What’s Left of the Flag: Video
What's Left of the Flag è un brano composto e inciso dai Flogging Molly, contenuto nell'album Drunken Lullabies pubblicato nel 2002. Secondo disco di inediti per la band californiana, conferma l'ottimo successo internazionale riscosso con l'album d'esordio Swagger di due anni prima. La canzone è la seconda traccia del disco, una ballata folk che inizia con un tempo in 6/8 per poi aprirsi ad un ritmo saltellante in 4/4 tipico del loro stile. Buon divertimento!
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