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The Chronicles of Life and Death: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
FA# SOL# You come in cold, SI You're covered in blood SOL#5 FA# They're all so happy you've arrived SOL# The doctor cuts your cord SI He hands you to your mom SOL#5 FA# She sets you free into this life SOL#/DO SI And where do you go with no destination, SOL# FA# no maps to guide you SOL#/DO Wouldn't you know that it doesn't matter, SOL# MI we all end up the same SI DO# FA# These are the chronicles of life and death FA#7 SI and everything between DO# FA# These are the stories of our lives, FA#7 SI as fictional as they may seem DO# You come in this world, FA# FA#/MI and you go out just the same SI DO# FA# Today could be the best day of your life SOL#/FA# SI/FA# And money talks in this world, SOL# FA# That's what idiots will say SOL#/FA# SI/FA# But you'll find out that this world, SOL#5 FA# Is just an idiots parade SOL#/DO SI Before you go, you've got some questions SOL#5 FA# And you want answers SOL#/DO SI But now you’re old, cold, covered in blood, SOL#5 MI right back to where you started from SI DO# FA# These are the chronicles of life and death FA#7 SI and everything between DO# FA# These are the stories of our lives, FA#7 SI as fictional as they may seem DO# You come in this world, FA# FA#/MI and you go out just the same SI DO# RE#m DO# SI Today could be the best day of your life RE#m DO# SI RE#m DO#/FA SI RE#m DO# MI SI DO# FA# But these are the chronicles of life and death FA#9 SI and everything between DO# FA# These are the stories of our lives, FA#7 SI as fictional as they may seem DO# You come in this world, FA# FA#7 and you go out just the same SI DO# Today could be the best day of SI DO# Today could be the worst day of, SI DO# FA# SOL#/DO Today could be the last day of your life... SI SOL#5 MI It's your life, your life
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!


Autori: Benji Madden, Joel Madden
Copyright: © Emi Blackwood Music Inc.

The Chronicles of Life and Death: Video

The Chronicles of Life and Death è un brano composto e inciso dai Good Charlotte, contenuto nell'album omonimo pubblicato nel 2004. Terzo disco di inediti per la band del Maryland, segna una notevole maturazione compositiva realizzando una specie di concept album che ruota attorno alla mortalità dell'essere umano... permeato però dalla speranza. La canzone è il terzo singolo estratto e porta la firma dei fratelli Benji e Joel Madden; un pezzo che mischia pop, rock e punk; loro marchio di fabbrica!


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).