For the Good Times
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For the Good Times: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SOL LAm RE MIm RE RE7/9- LAm Don't' look so sad RE SOL SOL7+ SOL6 I know it's over SOL LAm But life goes on RE And this world SOL SOL7+ Keeps on turning SOL6 Yeah SOL DO Let's just be glad RE We have this time SOL SOL7+ SOL6 To spend together DO There is no need LAm To watch the bridges RE RE7/9- That we're burning hey oh SOL RE7 Lay your head on my pillow sweet babe SOL Hold your warm and tender body close to mine LAm RE7 hey SOL SOL7 Hear the whisper of the raindrops DO Roll softly DOm Against my window hey hey oh late at night RE RE7/9- Make believe you love me one more time hey SOL LAm7 RE7 For the good times hey SOL For the good times LAm RE I'll get along SOL SOL7+ I'm sure you'll find another SOL6 SOL but baby please remember LAm RE I'll be here, I'm gon stay right here SOL SOL7+ And you should ever find that you need me yeah SOL6 SOL DO Don't say a word RE About tomorrow SOL Ah forever and ever and ever and ever DO They'll be times LAm RE RE7/9- Enough for severance when you leave hey hey hey SOL LAm7 RE7 For the good times SOL LAm7 For the good times RE7 SOL Lay your head RE On my pillow Oh this is one time girl RE7 SOL Hold your warm and tender body close to mine LAm RE7 SOL Hear the whisper... SOL7 Of the raindrops... DO DOm Rolling softly against my window RE Oh you gotta do is Oh you gotta do is make believe RE7/9- you love me one more time SOL LAm7 RE7 For the good times SOL For the good times LAm7 Here's what you outta do is RE7 SOL RE Lay your head on my pillow RE7 SOL Hold your warm and tender body close to mines....
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For the Good Times: Video
For the Good Times è un brano interpretato e inciso da Al Green, all'anagrafe Albert Leornes Greene, contenuto nell'album I'm Still in Love with You pubblicato nel 1972. Quinto lavoro in studio per il soulman afroamericano, viene realizzato subito dopo il grandissimo successo di Let's Stay Together dello stesso anno. La canzone risale al 1968 quando nasceva dalla penna del cantautore texano Kristofferson; divenne un cavallo di battaglia per entrambi gli artisti e racconta la fine di una storia d'amore.
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