I’m Still in Love with You
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I’m Still in Love with You: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SOL7+ FA7+ SOL7+ RE FA SOL SIb DO DOm7/9 LAm7/9 SOL7+/9 Spending my day thinkin' 'bout you girl SOL7 SOL9 Being here with you, being near with you DO I can't explain myself DOm7/9 LAm7 SOL7+ Why I feel like I do SOL7 SOL9 Though it hurts me so to let you know that I DO DOm7 LAm7/9 look in your eyes to let me know SOL7+ How you feel SOL7 SOL9 Let me know that love is really real DOm7/9 And it seems to me LAm7/9 DOm7/9 that I'm wrapped up in your love Don't you know that I'm DO7+ SIm7 LAm7 (Still in love, in love with you) MIb FA SOL Sho' 'nuff in love with you, hey DO7+ SIm7 LAm7 RE11 (Still in love, in love with you) SOL11 hey DO And I look in your eyes DOm7 LAm7 SOL7+ And all the years I see SOL7 SOL9 Me lovin' you and you lovin' me DOm7 Well it seems to me LAm7 DOm7 that I'm wrapped up in your love Don't you know that I'm DO7+ SIm7 LAm7 (Still in love, in love with you) DOm7 LAm7 Sho' 'nuff in love with you, hey... DOm7 Don't you know that I' DO7+ SIm7 (Still in love, in love with you) LAm7 SIm7 Sho' 'nuff in love with you, hey DO7+ SIm7 LAm7 SIm7 Say I try it if you want me to... DOm7 LAm7
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I’m Still in Love with You: Video
I'm Still in Love with You è un brano scritto e interpretato da Albert Leornes Greene, meglio conosciuto come Al Green, contenuto nell'album omonimo pubblicato nel 1972. Quinto lavoro in studio per il soulman dell'Arkansas, si rivela uno dei suoi più grandi successo commerciali con un milione di copie vendute e la vetta della classifica! La canzone, che dà il titolo al disco, è il terzo singolo da esso estratto; musica e parole sono scritte insieme a Al Jackson Jr. e Willie Mitchell; uno dei suoi grandi cavalli di battaglia!
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