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One in a Million: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: One, two, one, two, three, four... MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO SI5 SOLb5 REb5 LAb5 SI5 SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 LAb5 SI5 SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 LAb5 SI5 Guess I needed SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Sometime to get away LAb5 SI5 I needed some peace of mind SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Some piece of mind that'll stay LAb5 SI5 So I thumbed it SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Down to sixth and L.A. LAb5 SI5 Maybe a Greyhound SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Could be my way LAb5 SI5 Police and niggers, that's right SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Get out of my way LAb5 SI5 Don't need to buy none of your SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Gold chains today LAb5 SI5 I don't need to bracelets SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Clamped in front on my back LAb5 SI5 Just need my ticket till then SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Won't you cut me some slack
SI5 SOLb5 You're one in a million REb5 LAb5 Yeah, that's what you are SI5 SOLb5 You're one in a million, babe REb5 LAb5 You're a shooting star SI5 SOLb5 Maybe someday we'll see you REb5 LAb5 Before you make us cry SI5 SOLb5 You know we tried to reach you
REb5 MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO But you were much too high MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO Much too high, MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO much too high MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO Much too high, LAb5 SI5 Immigrants and faggots SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 They make no sense to me LAb5 SI5 They come to our country SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 And think they'll do as they please LAb5 SI5 Like start a mini Iran SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Or spread some fuckin' disease LAb5 SI5 They talk so many goddamn ways SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 It's all greek to me LAb5 SI5 Well someday I'm lazy SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 And others say that's just me LAb5 SI5 Some say I'm crazy SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 I guess I'll always be LAb5 SI5 But it's been such a long time SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Since I knew right from wrong LAb5 SI5 It's all the means to an end, I SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 I keep it movin' along
SI5 SOLb5 You're one in a million REb5 LAb5 oo, You're a shooting star SI5 SOLb5 You're one in a million, babe REb5 LAb5 You know that you are SI5 SOLb5 Maybe someday we'll see you REb5 LAb5 Before you make us cry SI5 SOLb5 You know we tried to reach you
REb5 MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO But you were much too high MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO Much too high, MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO much too high MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO Much too high LAb5 SI5 SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 LAb5 SI5 SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 LAb5 SI5 SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 LAb5 SI5 SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 LAb5 SI5 Radicals and racists SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Don't point your fingers at me LAb5 SI5 I'm a small town white boy SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Just tryin' to make ends meet LAb5 SI5 Don't need your religion SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Don't watch that much TV LAb5 SI5 Just makin' my livin', baby SOLb5 MI5 SOLb5 Well, that's enough for me
SI5 SOLb5 You're one in a million REb5 LAb5 Yeah, that's what you are SI5 SOLb5 You're one in a million, babe REb5 LAb5 You're a shooting star SI5 SOLb5 Maybe someday we'll see you REb5 LAb5 Before you make us cry SI5 SOLb5 You know we tried to reach you,
REb5 MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO But you were much too high MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO Much too high MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO much too high MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO Much too high MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO much too high, MIb5 REb5 LAb/DO ow, much too high...
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



One in a Million: Video

One in a Million è un brano composto e inciso dai Guns 'n Roses, contenuto nell'album G N' R Lies pubblicato nel 1988. Secondo lavoro in studio per la rock band nata a Los Angeles, è stato registrato inserendo alcuni rumori di pubblico in modo da farlo sembrare un vero e proprio concerto anziché un prodotto in studio. La canzone è la traccia di chiusura del disco e al momento dell'uscita destò non poche polemiche a causa di vari riferimenti ai neri e agli omosessuali. Accuse che però, in seguito, trovarono pronta e puntuale spiegazione.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).