Blood Bound
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Blood Bound: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE#m SI LA# SI DO# RE#m SI LA# SI DO# RE#m DO# RE#m Countdown, descending down to zero DO# RE#m Bursting into flames Can't you see the coming of a hero SI LA# On this enchanting day RE#m So stand up and be counted DO# In the solar glance in the desert sand RE#m No longer the hunted SI LA# United we are 'till the day we fall FA# DO# A chain unbreakable RE#m SI DO# LA# Every link is allied to our mighty vow RE#m SI We're Blood Bound - We aim for the sun FA# LA# The luminous moon will take us high over ground RE#m SI We're Blood Bound - Collecting the stars FA# LA# We hold a power that is greater than all RE#m We're Blood Bound RE#m Watch out, the heathen's all around us DO# Always watch you back RE#m We've got a lust for freedom SI LA# Whatever they say we know we'll stay FA# DO# We are indestructible RE#m SI DO# LA# And no matter what happens we will rise above RE#m SI We're Blood Bound - We aim for the sun FA# LA# The luminous moon will take us high over ground RE#m SI We're Blood Bound - Collecting the stars FA# LA# We hold a power that is greater than all RE#m We're Blood Bound...FA5 Look into my eyes MIb Tell me what is hidden deep inside FA5 Chains about to break SOLb LAb FAm MIb It's the everlasting freedom for us all FAm SOLb LAbRE#m SI LA# SI DO# RE#m SI LA# SI DO# RE#m SI LA# SI DO# RE#m SI LA# SI DO# LA# RE#m SI We're Blood Bound - We aim for the sun FA# LA# The luminous moon will take us high over ground RE#m SI We're Blood Bound - Collecting the stars LA# We hold a power that is greater... RE#m SI We're Blood Bound - We aim for the sun FA# LA# The luminous moon will take us high over ground RE#m SI We're Blood Bound - Collecting the stars LA# We hold a power together - Blood Bound Power forever - Blood Bound FA#5 LA# RE#m Power - We're Blood Bound
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Blood Bound: Video
Blood Bound è un brano composto e inciso dagli Hammerfall, contenuto nell'album Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken pubblicato nel 2005. Come si evince dal titolo, si tratta del quinto lavoro in studio per la band svedese e prende spunto dalla serie di romanzi "A Song of Ice and Fire" di George R. R. Martin. La canzone è l'unico singolo estratto dal disco e porta le firme di Oscar Dronjak e Joacim Cans; un pezzo in puro stile heavy metal dove l'armonia classica incontra il rock!
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