Hammer High
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Hammer High: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!REm LA Hammer high this is a freedom cry! REm Hammer high, no one should ask me why! LA It's my life - Proudly I will defy! REm Hammer high until I die!DOm Black clouds on the horizon LAb Dread crimson skies SIb The thunder within The sign to begin MIb SIb A tempest of fire and ice DOm I keep my courage blazing LAb Withhold this grounds SIb Protecting the steal This is my deal MIb SIb The flames of thy anger, my will! SOL LAb Remember the frozen tears SOL5 MIb Turning each second to Years DOm FA5 A meltdown in paradiseSIb LA5 SIb5 SI5 DO SI5 DO5 DO#5 REm Re--vo--lu---tion calling! Break the ice! REm LA Hammer high this is a freedom cry! REm Hammer high, no one should ask me why! LA It's my life - Proudly I will defy! REm Hammer high until I die!DOm The rapid fire pounding LAb To the beat of my heart SIb Lets make a stand True to till the end MIb SIb A Warrior under command SOL5 LAb I'm melting the frozen ice SOL5 MIb Burning the books filled with lies DOm FA5 And inside the pouring rainSIb LA5 SIb5 SI5 DO SI5 DO5 DO#5 REm Things will ne---ver e--ver be the same! REm LA Hammer high this is a freedom cry! REm Hammer high, no one should ask me why! LA It's my life - Proudly I will defy! REm DO Hammer high until I die! FA LA The strong will survive SIb DO In the end, it's the game FA LA Forever defy! SIb LA5 SIb5 SI5 DO SI5 DO5 DO#5 REm Ham-mer high up in the sa--cred sky!DOm LAb SIb DOm LAb MIb SIb DOm LAb SIb DOm LAb MIb SIb SOLm LAb SOL5 MIb DO FAmSIb LA5 SIb5 SI5 DO SI5 DO5 DO#5 REm REm LA Hammer high this is a freedom cry! REm Hammer high, no one should ask me why! LA It's my life - Proudly I will defy! REm Hammer high until I die! LA Hear me now this is a freedom cry REm It's my life no one should ask me why! LA Hammer high I won't conform and i REm Will defy until i die LA Hammer high this is a freedom cry! REm Hammer high, no one should ask me why! LA It's my life - Proudly I will defy! REm Hammer high until I die!
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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Hammer High: Video
Hammer High è un brano composto e inciso dagli Hammerfall, contenuto nell'album Built to Last pubblicato nel 2016. Decimo disco di inediti per la rockband svedese, si rivela l'ultimo progetto insieme al batterista David Wallin... sostituito da Johan Kullberg a causa di importanti problemi familiari. La canzone è la seconda traccia dell'album e porta la firma del chitarrista Oscar Dronjak e quella del cantante Joacim Cans; un'intensa ballata heavy metal dai toni epici ed uno spiccato gusto melodico.
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