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Hearts On Fire: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: FA#5 SI5 DO#5 FA#5 SI5 DO#5 FA#5 We saw the writings on the wall When heathens ruled above us all DO#5 Tormented we still heard the call FA#5 You come to bring us down Wield the scepter steal the crown DO#5 Time on the thrown is running out
SOL#5 MI5 'Cause seasons change but we are still the same SOL#5 Even though the cold winds blow MI5 DO#5 We're burnin' like a flame
RE#5 Hearts on fire hearts on fire FA#5 DO#5 Burning burning with desire RE#5 Hearts on fire hearts on fire FA#5 DO#5 Burning burning with desire RE#5 Hearts on fire hearts on fire FA#5 DO#5 Burning burning with desire SI5 LA#5 Burning for the steel
FA#5 SI5 DO#5 Hearts on fire FA#5 For years shunned by society Outcasts condemned for our beliefs DO#5 Our legions grew in secrecy FA#5 And now the time is here I see the templars everywhere DO#5 The freedom call is drawing near
SOL#5 MI5 We hold our rebel banners up with pride SOL#5 The color's crimson MI5 DO#5 And the hammer is the sign
RE#5 Hearts on fire hearts on fire FA#5 DO#5 Burning burning with desire RE#5 Hearts on fire hearts on fire FA#5 DO#5 Burning burning with desire RE#5 Hearts on fire hearts on fire FA#5 DO#5 Burning burning with desire SI5 LA#5 Burning for the steel
DO#m LA5 SI5 DO#m LA5 SI5 FA#5 MI5 DO#m LA5 SI5 DO#m LA5 SI5 MI5 FA#5 SOL#m MI SOL#m MI DO#m
RE#5 Hearts on fire DO#5 Hearts on fire RE#5 Hearts on fire SI5 DO#5 Hearts on fire RE#5 Hearts on fire DO#5 Hearts on fire RE#5 Hearts on fire SI5 DO#5 Hearts on fire RE#5 (Hearts) Hearts on fire DO#5 Hearts on fire RE#5 (Hearts) Hearts on fire SI5 DO#5 Hearts on fire RE#5 (Hearts) Hearts on fire DO#5 (Hearts) Hearts on fire RE#5 (Hearts) Hearts on fire SI5 DO#5 Hearts on fire RE#5 Hearts on fire hearts on fire FA#5 DO#5 Burning burning with desire RE#5 Hearts on fire hearts on fire FA#5 DO#5 Burning burning with desire RE#5 Hearts on fire hearts on fire FA#5 DO#5 Burning burning with desire SI5 LA#5 Burning for the steel
FA#5 SI5 DO#5 Hearts on fire Hearts on fire
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Hearts On Fire: Video

Hearts On Fire è un brano composto e inciso dagli Hammerfall, contenuto nell'album Crimson Thunder pubblicato nel 2002. Quarto lavoro in studio per la band svedese, rappresenta il loro rilancio discografico dopo il deludente Renegade, giudicato dai fan troppo vicino al più melodico Power metal. La canzone porta le firme del chitarrista Oscar Dronjak e del cantante Joacim Cans ed è la seconda traccia del disco; diventa in poco tempo una hit internazionale ed un vero e proprio tormentone!


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).