When I’m Gone
Semplifica accordi
Dimensioni Testo
When I’m Gone: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE LA/RE RE LA/RE SOL SOL/LA LA RE LA RE LA SOL7+ SOL/LA RE When I'm gone SI7 Will you take good care of everything MIm Will you keep wearing your wedding ring LA When I'm gone RE And When I'm gone SI7 Will you take out all the photographs MIm Maybe spend a moment in the past LA When I'm gone FA#4 FA#7 Will you miss me SIm In the night MI LA SOL Will your arms reach out to hold me tight FA# SIm And keep me in your dreams SOL In your heart LA In your life RE Sometimes I want to run to you SIm Like lovers do MIm When love is new FA#4 FA#7 SOL Just for a moment, be close to you LA Pretending I'm still holding you RE And even when I'm far away SIm The dreams will stay MIm And someday FA#4 FA#7 SOL After we both chase our fantasies LA Love will bring you back to me RE LA RE LA SOL7+ SOL/LA RE When I'm gone SI7 I'll be thinking 'bout you constantly MIm Cause your locked inside my memories LA From now on RE And I know SI7 That we said we needed time apart MIm But your love keeps pulling in my heart LA Pulling strong FA#4 FA#7 Will you miss me SIm In the night MI LA SOL Will your arms reach out to hold me tight FA# SIm And even in your dreams SOL In your heart LA In your life RE Sometimes I want to run to you SIm Like lovers do MIm When love is new FA#4 FA#7 SOL Just for a moment, be close to you LA Pretending I'm still holding you RE And even when I'm far away SIm The dreams will stay MIm And someday FA#4 FA#7 SOL After we both chase our fantasies LA Love will bring you back to me RE RE7+ RE RE7+ SOL7+ SOL/LA RE RE7+ RE RE7+ SOL7+ SOL/LA RE Sometimes I want to run to you SIm Like lovers do MIm When love is new FA#4 FA#7 SOL Just for a moment, be close to you LA Pretending I'm still holding you RE And even when I'm far away SIm The dreams will stay MIm And someday FA#4 FA#7 SOL After we both chase our fantasies LA Love will bring you back to me RE Sometimes I want to run to you SIm Like lovers do MIm When love is new FA#4 FA#7 SOL Just for a moment, be close to you LA Pretending I'm still holding you...
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When I’m Gone: Video
When I'm Gone è un brano scritto e interpretato da Albert Hammond, contenuto nell'album Your World and My World pubblicato nel 1981. Decima fatica discografica per il cantautore britannico, chiude una decade (gli anni Settanta) ricca di grandi successi come When I Need You del '77 inciso da Leo Sayer. La canzone è la terza traccia del lato A ed è scritta insieme ad Harold Payne; il testo racconta i pensieri e le paure di un uomo che lei, un giorno, se ne possa andare.
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